Classic Maps in PUBG Mobile

Players Unknown Battleground (PUBG)  Mobile is a well flourished online video game in today's time. It is a survival game in which you have to survive till last by killing other players to win the matches. When you enter in the match, you will be dropped into an island via an aeroplane and thereafter your survival starts. 

You have to loot guns and other materials to survive in the match. When talking of the loots and other materials there are different kinds of loots in different kinds of maps. Not only maps but many other things also such as vehicle totally different terrain and ridges which also decide the playing tactics of players. Different maps in PUBG Mobile have different kind of houses and tree, rocks and all other things that are found useful during fights. 

For example in Miramar map there are very less amount of grasses and trees and is mostly covered with sand. While in Sanhok map you will see the whole map covered with grasses and trees. So all these circumstances leads a player to play the game in little different way in different maps in PUBG Mobile. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

So in this topic we will talk about all the maps in PUBG Mobile and will also give other details about the map. We will talk of the dimensions of the map and also the size of the maps in PUBG Mobile. In this topic you will be informed about all the details related to highest loot map and the places where we can find best loots in each map. 

We will also talk of the changes came in few maps after some updates and will also describe you which map is best and for what reason. It is also very important to know the best map in PUBG Mobile in which you can play to do rank push. So will talk on this topic also. Since the most important thing is to know about all the maps in PUBG Mobile, we will talk of all the maps in PUBG Mobile first. So let's begin with the topin about maps in PUBG Mobile. 

When we talk of the maps in PUBG Mobile, there comes a question that, what kind of maps we are talking about? Because there are many maps in PUBG Mobile on the basis of classics, Arena training and Evo ground. So on this basis we will talk of all the maps in PUBG Mobile and classify them as given above. The most frequently played maps are classic maps in PUBG Mobile, therefore we will first talk of the classic maps in PUBG Mobile. So let's begin. 

Different classic maps in PUBG Mobile: 

When we talk of all the classic maps in PUBG Mobile, it is important to know that these maps are actually island and only one among them is a Delta ( three sides covered with water). It is interesting to know that when the owner of PUBG Mobile was asked about the idea of this game, then he answered that he had thought of the game from a movie named battleground. 

In this movie 100 armed men were dropped into an island and each armed man has to kill other men to escape from the island. So on this theme, this game has also island maps to show that players could not escape from there. Keeping these facts apart let's start with the first map in PUBG Mobile that is given pre download after downloading the game i.s Erangle.

1. Erangle : 

This is the only map in PUBG Mobile that is pre downloaded after installing the game. This s is also the mostly played map among all the maps in PUBG Mobile. Almost all the PUBG Mobile players love to play this in this map only because it is easy to understand all the things in this Erangle map. Another thing due to which players like to play this map is that that are known about all the survival and rushing tricks in this map.

Erangle map is divided into two parts but connected by two bridges. One of part of the map is very smaller than the other part. But the fact is that the smaller part has good loot as compared to the large part according to their sizes. The smaller part consist mainly two places and both has very high loot. The name of one place is Sonsovko Military Base, as the name suggest it's a military base where there are offices and military base to loot. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map
Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

You can also see missiles in the one side of Military Base. The other location is Novorpenoye and it is located at the sea shore of the map. It consists of mainly cargo crates where you can find a huge loot. 

High loot places in Erangle: 

In Erangle map there are many high loot places where you can find a huge loot. In some locations, a high loot is available in a small area but the same amount of loot is available in some large area. So if the area is large, the loot will be distributed in all the houses of the location but if the area is small the loot is found easily in few houses only. 

The perfect example of this is georgopool crates where you can find a good loot in a small are whereas approximately the same amount of loot is found in Yasnaya polyana which has really a large area. 

When we talk of place with highest loot in Erangle then the whole georgopool (crates and both the cities) has the highest loot in the map. By now the loot in georgopool is reduced and these loots are transferred to the cities so that the players drop there also. 

There are also many other places where you can go to take a good loot. Sonsvoko military base is another name present in the smaller part of the island where you can get a good loot for your whole squad. The other place in Erangle map of PUBG Mobile, where you can get a good loot and is Novorpenoye. As mentioned earlier, it is also present in the smaller part of the map and is full of crates. 

But the plane path is not always through this regions so you also need to know about some medium loot places in Erangle map of PUBG Mobile. The first name in medium loot is Pochinki and is also the favourite dropping location of many players of PUBG Mobile. The other medium loot locatiobs are Rozhok, Yasnaya polyana and Mylta along with Milta Power. So if you are playing solo then you can drop at medium loot locations to get sufficient loot. 

Hot drop areas in Erangle map in PUBG Mobile: 

There are many places in Erangle map of PUBG Mobile where there is a huge drop of players. The reason behind this huge drop is the availability of high amount of loots at these locations. So if you want a good loot in Erangle map in PUBG Mobile then you have to survive at these locations first. 

And if you don't have any desire of high loot but want to do only high kills then these locations are very good to you. The dropping of players also depends upon the path of the plane. There will be much dropping of the players at the locations near the plane path but there are also some place where players like to go no matter from where the plane is going. It may be done for survival or for having good loot to win the matches but one or two squads can easily be found in these locations. 

The most famous and also the major hot drop place in the map is Pochinki. The main reason for this is availability of high loot and and the center location of the area in the map due to which plane path is always near it and players like to take drop here. If you want to survive in Pochinki then you have to be alert all the time and stay away from campers. 

The other places of hot drop is georgopool and Rozhok. Initially georgopool was not a hot drop due to low availability of loot but it is becoming a very high hot drop nowadays. But the opposite has happened with georgopool crates as the loot is reduced a lot and players don't want to drop here. But this has not Affected much because once a place has become a hot drop, it will always be a hot drop because many players want to get high kills. 

We cannot forget about the smaller part of the island i.s Military Base and Novorpenoye. These two places also come in the biggest hot drops of this map in PUBG Mobile. The surprising fact of these two places is that the number of players landing here has increased by date. So if you are an aggressive kind of player who only want kills, then you can drop at these places depending on the plane path. 

Types of vehicles found in Erangle map: 

Since Erangle is a very large map and travelling long distance physically will take a lot of time. Therefore PUBG Mobile has also provided vehicles in each maps. But there are some different vehicles in different maps  and among then some have low HP and some has relatively high HP. But when we talk of the vehicles in Erangle map of PUBG Mobile all the unique vehicles that are not found in other maps has comparitively high HP. The vehicles found in the Erangle map of PUBG Mobile are:

• UAZ : 

It is a four wheeler car in which 4 players can sit including the driver. It has a very high HP and can deal above 40 bullets of most of the guns. UAZ is available in three different models, one is cloth covered top UAZ and one is open top UAZ and the another is metallic roof UAZ. Best UAZ among all these three is cloth covered top UAZ because the players inside it is most safe from bullet hit as compared to other UAZ. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

• Dacia: 

It is another four wheeler car in which four players can sit including the driver. It is little faster than UAZ but is little unstable than UAZ. If you are driving a Dacia then make sure to apply brakes in front of ridges because it turns upside down very quickly. This vehicle has also a good HP and is little safe from bullet shots due it it's lower height. But a good player can still knock you inside it.

Maps in PUBG Mobile|Hot drop places,High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map
Maps in PUBG Mobile|Hot drop places,High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map


• Buggy: 

It is a four wheeler mountain bike kind vehicle in which only two players can sit along with the driver. This vehicle skits a lot when turned quickly and also sometimes get blasted. Buggy proved to be good for single player but it is quite risky for the player sitting in the back seat because anyone can knock him easily. So you can definitely use a buggy if it's an emergency but if you have a car then you should choose that only. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile|Hot drop places,High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map
Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

• Bike with side carrier

It is a three wheeler bike with a side carrier in which three players can sit including the driver. This is the most useless vehicle in Erangle map of PUBG Mobile because it is hard to drive it and is also the most imbalanced vehicle. The speed this vehicle is also not much. So if you have any other vehicle then please don't use this three seater because it can be sometime a cause to death in PUBG Mobile. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

• Bike: 

It is the fastest vehicle in Erangle map in PUBG Mobile. But the disadvantage of bike is that there can sit only two players and the both of them can't fire if he/she is having a assault rifle. You can fire with a SMG but it will be very inaccurate. It is also very easy to knock players in bike because it had no cover. The bike proves very helpful if you have to go to play zone formed at a large distance. 
Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

• Boats: 

We all know that there are rivers and waters at many places in Erangle map in PUBG Mobile therefore we are also provided with the boats to travel through water. There can sit four players in a large boat including the driver. The boat is also of two types, one is large and another is a mini jet in which only two players can sit along with the driver. The most tempting disadvantage of the boats is it's very low HP. Boats have the lowest HP among all the vehicles in PUBG Mobile. It can be easily destroyed within 20-30 bullets of an assault rifle. So be careful before using a boat in PUBG Mobile. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

2. Miramar: 

This map in PUBG Mobile is not pre downloaded and you have to download the map from in-game. The data size of the map is approximately 500 Mb. This map is proved best for sniper lovers and for those who are good at long range spray. Earlier this map was not played much before the season 12 update because the loot in it was very less and was also little boring to play. But there come many changes in this map after the season 12 update such as increase in the availability of loots. The other thing that made players to play in this map is Royal Pass and free pass missions related to this map. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

Miramar is the largest map among all the maps in PUBG Mobile. This map is basically based on desert experience and sniping. The matches played in this map is little longer in time than any other maps. This map has many PUBG Mobile e-sports records in which players had to struggle for survival. If you want to do rank push then this map is best for that because you will be given highest survival points in it than any other map. The other thing is that you can improve your playing skills of PUBG Mobile in Miramar map to the best level because there will be enough time for you to take better decisions in-game. By now a new location is added in Miramar that is ruins. This map also has few very small detached islands where loots are available. 

High loot places in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile: 

Miramar map is the largest map of all the maps in PUBG Mobile. Therefore there are lots of places in Miramar which are not only large in area but also has larger building and houses than any other maps. The same applies here that in some locations, a high loot is available in a small area but the same amount of loot is available in some large area. So if the area is large, the loot will be distributed in all the houses of the location but if the area is small the loot is found easily in few houses only. Take the example of Pecado where you can get really a high loot by looting few houses only. It doesn't apply that the other places don't have a good loot, they have a good loot but is distributed in a large area and the loots here could also be greater that these known areas.
So talking of the best loot in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile, there will be many options. And one of them is Pecado. The main house of the Pecado i.s stadium has the highest loot available here. You along with your teammates can get enough loot here only for the whole match. 

Hot drop places in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile

There are many places in PUBG Mobile where there is a lot of drop of player. The reason behind this is the availability of high loot and the desire of players to get high kills. If you want a good loot then you need to take drop at the known places where you can find a good loot. It is obvious that you are not the only one who need a good loot. But there are many other players also who want good loot and decide to land at high loot locations. 

Therefore you have to fight them to get good loot. High kill is also a factor of hot drops. Players know that at some places, there are chances of landing of huge number of players, therefore they also land at these places to get high kills. These all factors make a place a hot drop. 

Now let us talk of the hot drops in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile. As mentioned earlier Pecado is full of loots therefore the players who want loot and the players who want kills, both take drop at this place and make it a super hot drop. The other hot drop in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile is San Martin. This place is near to the Pecado and is almost at the center of the map. This place become more hot drop when there come missions related to this place. 

Vehicles in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile: 

It is interesting to know that all the four-seater vehicles on this map are totally different and there is not at least a single common four-seater vehicle. The other fact of the vehicles here is that every vehicle has very low HP. 

We will talk about all the vehicles in this map and also look at the merits and demerits of these vehicles. I will also suggest which vehicle is best for what reason. So it will interesting to know about all the vehicles in this map. Before starting I would like to tell you that there is only two vehicles in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile that is also found in two other maps. I will also tell about the vehicles that are not available in this map and is available in Erangle. 


These are four wheeler vehicles that are found in Miramar map of PUBG Mobile. Four players can sit in these vehicles including the driver. Sedan has two of it's modal available in PUBG Mobile. These are namely Dacia and Mirado. We have already talked of Dacia so we will not talk about this vehicle again. Mirado is also available in two type, one is open top Mirado and the other is closed top Mirado. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

They are one of the fastest vehicle in PUBG Mobile are quite stable. But there are many disadvantages of this vehicle also. One of the most tempting disadvantage of this vehicle is very low HP. This is the one only reason for which players do not like to use this vehicle because it get easily burst within 20-30 bullets of most of the guns. The other disadvantage of this car is that is easily trapped in irregular paths. 


This is also a four wheeler vehicle in which four players can sit including the driver. This is the most useful vehicle in PUBG Mobile because it has all the favourable properties that can used for survival till last zone. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

Pickups are also available in two kinds, one is open top pick up and the other is closed top pickup. It can be easily used as a cover during taking fights. There is a problem with the open top pickup because you can get knocked easily in this in this as the backside of the vehicle is totally open. 

The other vehicles found in this map are: 

•Buggy and 

As we have already talked about these two  vehicles, we need not to know more about it because they have same property. But I would like to say one thing that buggy and bike proves very useful in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile because it can climb any terrain very easily. 

3. Sanhok

Players Unknown Battleground (PUBG)  Mobile is a well flourished online video game in today's time. It is a survival game in w is based on rural culture where the hoses and all other things are beautifully designed. 

The most interesting thing about the map is that it is the smallest in size among all the maps in PUBG Mobile. This is the reason for which it takes least time in classic modes to complete a match. You can surely play in this map if you have less time and want to do rank push. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

The other advantage of playing in this map is that you can get really high kills in very less time. The zone incoming time in this map is also very less, so you have move to zone quickly to avoid zone damage. The distance between any two places in this map may appear large to you but actually you can easily and quickly cover it when you start moving towards it. This map has three kinds of weather, fog, rainy and clear. 

It becomes little hard to play in foggy weather because you will be unable to see the distant enemies properly. But this is not a big problem as the other players will also be facing the same kind of problem. At all I would like to say that this map is best for those who want high kills and want the matches to end little faster. 

Hot drop places in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile: 

Since the map from is very small there are e chances of landing of players everywhere. All the places in this map is covered in a small region and as said earlier, there will be much loot available if the region or place is distributed in a small place. 

So there will be chances of huge landing of players at a single place especially when the map is small. But as talked earlier, there are some places in every map that has gained popularity due to some cause. But when talking of the highest hot drop place in Sanhok map, there will be only one name in everyone's mind i.s. Bootcamp. This place is also the highest hot drop of players among all the maps in PUBG Mobile. The reason behind this hot drop is the availability of truly a large number of loots whether it is medicine or armoury. Bootcamp has few houses where there is availability of a huge loot. 

You will be able to survive at this place if you have a good device and better skills because if your device is not good, it will start lagging very much and then your skill will be of no use. So this was the most hot drop place in Sanhok. But there are also few other places where there is large drop of players. One of them is Paradise Resort, where you will get a good loot along with a large drop of players.

Ruins is also a major hot drop where a large number of players land. There are also many other places in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile that has a good drop of players with appreciable loots available. So if you want to avoid talking much risk at the beginning, then you can take drop a these places. These places mainly include Caves, Camp Charlie, Camp Alpha, Bhan, etc. These places are best to take a little safe start and also you can get some kills. It should be kept in mind that the land of players at a particular place also depends upon the plane path. Therefore sometimes there can be more landing of players at an unexpected place depending on the plane path. 

High loot places in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile: 

There are many places in Sanhok map that has extremely high loot. In fact, when compared to the size of this map with any other map, the availability of loot is maximum in Sanhok map. But there are some particular places in Sanhok map that has enough loot that you along with your whole squad will found it greater. 

Your bags will be filled out with loots but there will still much loot remained. The most known place for that kind of loot is Bootcamp. Here the availability of loot is that much that you will not be interested to loot the crates of enemies whom you killed. The other places with really high loots available within few meters are Paradise Resort and The Ruins. But there again comes a problem for have ng high loot. You are not only one in the plane who need a good loot for the rest of matches, there are also many other players who want good and like to take drop at these places.

 So if you want to take loots then it is very clear that you have to first kill the other players and then you can take these loots with confidence. Sanhok is a small map and it's my recommendation to you to take hot drop because you will face enemies at every corner of the map. So it's better to take hot drop and try to get some kills. 

Vehicles in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile 2020: 

Sanhok is a very small map and someone rarely need vehicles to cover any distance. So there are very few vehicles available in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile. But when the playing zone is at the other corner of the map or enemies are camping for you inside the zone, then in these situations vehicle could be proved helpful in Sanhok map. 

Otherwise it could be the reason for your death because there are present lots of rocks in this map and if it get dashed in front of enemies, then you will definitely be dead in PUBG Mobile. The vehicles found in this map has very less fuel filled in it therefore if you are going to use a vehicle in your whole match then it is better to take gas cans with you. Now let's talk about all the vehicles in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile


The most useless vehicle of all the vehicles in PUBG Mobile is this vehicle only. This is a three wheeler auto in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile in which three players can sit along with the driver. The speed of this vehicle is very less and is also very tempting to drive this vehicle. You can estimate the speed of this vehicle only by knowing that a player can run faster than it in  upper slope. 

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

So, if there isn't any very urgent condition for using it then please stay away from this vehicle because it will be not useful to you in any way. This is also the most unique vehicle found only in Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile.

• Motorcycle
• Pickups

As we have already talked about these three vehicles earlier, so we are keeping it aside. But I would like to tell you that if you want to use vehicle in this map then pick up will be the best vehicle. 

Because it has a good speed and can be used as cover during fights if you are in open. I am not telling that the other vehicles are not useful, they all are useful depending upon the situation. For example bike and buggy is found best for moving in the play zone.

4. Vikendi

One of the most interesting map in PUBG Mobile is Vikendi. It is basically themed as winter season and there are snow all around in this map .This map is the earliest launched map till now. Inspire this map is played very less, it has many fun in the map. This map is somewhat equal to the size of Erangle map in PUBG Mobile. This map has totally a different experience in playing than any other maps in PUBG Mobile.

Maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 | Hot drop places | High loot places and Types of vehicles in each map

The one most heart touching thing about this map is the beautiful sceneries in this map. The other playing feature of this map is same as in the Erangle map. So we will not talk of the benefits of playing in this map. Without any more talks let us talk about the high loot places in this map. 

High loot places in Vikendi map in PUBG Mobile 2020: 

There are many places in Vikendi map also that are very famous for the availability of high loots. These places may be bigger or smaller but there is a good loot at these places. The first name with the highest loot in this place is Villa. This is one of the most loot filled place in PUBG Mobile. The other name here is Cement factory. 

Little larger in size along with very large structures, this place has also a good loot available. There are also some places such as coal mine, Dino Park etc. where there is a large amount of loots available. So if you want a good loot, you can take drop at these place. 

Hot drop places in Vikendi map in PUBG Mobile 2020: 

Since this place is not played much by players, there is no recognized hot drop place in this map. The landing of players at a particular place in this map is basically decided by the plane path. But there is still few places in this map that is attracted by players at these places.

These include Villa, Cement factory and Dino park. There are also many other places where players like to go but it depends on the plane path. So if you want confirmed kills, then you can take landing at these places. 

Vehicles in Vikendi map in PUBG Mobile 2020

• Snowmobile
• Snow car
• and snow bike

These all are the vehicles found in this map. The amazing fact about these vehicles is that all of them are especially made for travelling in snow except the Dacia. I would still prefer Dacia over any other map because it has higher hp and can also be easily drived in snow. Snow car is also good but it has comparitively lower HP and can easily be blasted. Other demerit of this vehicle is it's very sensitive steering. 


So this was all about the maps in PUBG Mobile 2020. I have also tried to explain why and for what reason each map is famous among the players. I have also mentioned the high loot and hot drop places in each map. Not only this, I have also mentioned about the vehicles in each map and also which vehicle is proved best among to these vehicles. 

Hope that this article on maps in PUBG Mobile 2020 including hot drop place, high loot places and vehicles in it would be found helpful to you somehow. My personal favorite map in which I like to play is Miramar and I would also like to know yours favorite map and why do you like it. So if you get something new here the please show some response and stay connected with us for more details related to PUBG Mobile and many other world information. Thanks for visiting us, take care and stay safe.