How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile: 

Players Unknown Battleground (PUBG)  Mobile is a well flourished online video game in today's time. It is a survival game in which you have to survive till last by killing other players to win the matches. When you enter in the match, you will be dropped into an island via an aeroplane and thereafter your survival starts. You have to loot guns and other materials to survive in the match. As mentioned earlier, it is a survival game therefore you get points in it for longer survival. What makes this game more interesting is the rank and tier system in it. PUBG Mobile has a lot for f excitement in it along with anger and happiness. Most of the players in PUBG Mobile want to be in a higher tier with good statistics. So in this context, I will be telling you the best methods on how to do rank push in PUBG Mobile. I will also tell you how can you maintain your statistics up to a good level in high tiers. So if you are here to know about the best methods on how to do rank push in PUBG Mobile, then you are at the right place. 

But before starting, you should know some basic information about the ranking and tier system of PUBG Mobile. This is a brief explanation of the tier system in PUBG Mobile

Tier system in PUBG Mobile: 

Before starting the topic, how to do rank push in PUBG Mobile, you have to know some basic things about the tier system in PUBG Mobile. There is a total of eight tiers in PUBG Mobile. These are namely,

• Bronze:  

Starting from the bronze tier, it is the lowest tier level in PUBG Mobile and is also very easy to progress in this tier. This tier has 5 more sub-tier named Bronze5, Bronze4, Bronze3, Bronze2, and Bronze1. Each sub-tier completes in getting 100 points and you will be promoted in the next higher tier after getting 500 points. This is the lowest tier in PUBG Mobile in which you will be when you first log in to your PUBG Mobile. This tier is easiest to complete because you will get plus points even when you die quickly. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Silver: 

This is the second tier after Bronze in PUBG Mobile. This has also five more sub-tiers as in the Bronze tier and each sub-tier has 100 points and you have to earn 500 points to move to the next higher tier. This tier is also very easy to complete but a little harder than the Bronze tier. Getting huge plus points in this tier is very easy and you can complete this tier easily. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Gold: 

After getting completed the Silver tier, you will be promoted to Gold tier. It is a little harder than the above two tiers and you will counter little tough players in this tier. It has also 5 sub-tiers each of 100 points and you will be promoted to next higher tier after getting 500 points. But the fact is that this tier is also quite easy to complete. You will definitely get plus points if you come in the top 20. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Platinum: 

The actual toughness to do rank pushing starts from this tier. You will be promoted to Platinum tier after gold. This tier has five sub tiers and each sub-tier is a little tough to complete. You will get minus points if you die early in the match. You can complete this tier easily by carefully playing the matches. You have to get 500 points to move to the next tier. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Diamond: 

After completing 500 points in the Platinum tier, you will be promoted to Diamond tier and this tier is much harder than the above tiers. You have not to only survive, but you have to get kills also. As above tiers, this tier has also five sub-tiers each of 100 points and you will be promoted to next tier after getting 500 points. You will get less points in this tier than the above which makes it a little difficult. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Crown:

You will be promoted to this tier after getting 500 points in the Diamond tier. Players in this tier face tough enemies. The interesting thing about this tier is that you will get a basic team effect for the next season. You will get really less points even when you complete the match in the top 10 and do not get kills. So from this tier, it becomes important to get kills to complete this tier. You have to get 500 points in this tier which is not easy because you get high minus points if you die early in the match.

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Ace: 

When we talk of the toughest tier in the PUBG Mobile, then this tier will be in the second position. The further increase in rank from this tier is changed totally and there are no sub-tiers in this tier. You will be getting a star for every 100 points and the higher your total points will be the higher you will be ranked in PUBG Mobile. From this tier, you will not be able to use the rating protection card and you have to do all by yourself only. You will get a season Ace titled parachute and legendary team effect for the next season. There were very less players in this tier in the beginning but now many players are able to reach Ace tier. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

• Conqueror: 

The highest and the toughest tier in PUBG Mobile is Conqueror tier and very few players only are able to reach this tier. There is no sub tier system for this tier. You have to rank on top 500 players in the server in which you play to get the title of Conqueror. The average points needed to get this title is a total of 7500 points. But this can increase if you are quite late to reach Ace tier. This is the dream of every PUBG player to reach Conqueror but very few are able to reach. You will get a season Conqueror frame and mythic team effect for the next season in this tier. Minus in a single match in this tier can throw you very down from the list of top 500 players. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile
How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile

So this was all the basic information about all the tier system in PUBG Mobile. Now we can talk about how to do rank push in PUBG Mobile up to Conqueror tier. 

How to do rank push in PUBG Mobile: 

Here I am going to tell you some most important things to do and also that you have not to do while rank pushing. We will not talk below the diamond tier because getting points in those tiers are not so difficult. Also, these methods to do rank push is according to the point system in PUBG Mobile. I have told all the tips of rank pushing in the squad and therefore it may be a different case in solo and duo. So let's begin the topic, how to do rank push in PUBG Mobile. 

• Most of the players are in the Platinum tier as the new season starts and many players start playing safe from the first match only, but it should not be done. It is better to take hot drops in the first 10 matches of the season's start because you will face a very weak lobby at that time. This will ensure that you can get very high kills that will maintain your kills per death ratio(k/d) to a good level. Also, the high kill will get you large rating points that is very helpful. Taking a hot drop in the starting matches is also necessary to improve your skills that will be helpful in higher tiers. Another thing is that you should play with randoms in the first 10-20 matches because you will get a lobby of your own tier and you can get high kills. 
Once you clear the hot drop and you are able to get above 5 kills then you can play safe in the mid-match and earn some survival points. Then, when there are less than 20 players alive in the lobby, you can again play a little aggressive. You will definitely get at least 5-6 kills if you play carefully in the last circles. But you should keep this in mind that you have to go for chicken dinner because it will give you a very large rating point. In fact, in the Conqueror tier, appreciable points can only be got by having chicken dinner. So this applies to all tiers that always go for chicken dinner. 

• You can take hot drops up to the diamond tier if you are a good player and have a good team. But if you think a least that you would not be able to survive or you do not have a good team to support, then it is better to you to avoid hot drops and play for survival points in the first circle. After that, you can take some fights and can go for the kills for k/d maintenance. Remember that I am telling you to take the fight for those who also want better statistics along with high tiers. Otherwise, if you only want to reach Conqueror with up to two or three k/d, you can take the fight in the final circles only. This may reduce some points but can still give you better rating points.

• Many players do mistakes while rank push that they exit the match when they see a tough lobby. This should no be done because you can get really high points by ending the match in the top 10. So if you face a Conqueror lobby in Ace tier, never quit it. Play the match and show your ability. 

• After reaching the crown, never try to take a hot drop because a single minus of 30 to 40 can demotivate you. Another thing is that you have to play more matches to recover that minus. So it's better to play safe, have some loots, and then think of the taking fights. Always be aware of campers where you take a drop to loot and think that you are playing competitive matches. 

• It will be quite easy for you to complete the crown tier if you go for the chicken dinner and avoid fights even if you hear gun sounds. By doing the same in Ace tier also you can get stars and you can be ranked in the top lists. Another thing you can do is that you can get zone damage and can get healing points inside the zone by applying bandages. It will be better if you keep two vehicles with you because it can be used to cover if the zone is in open. Another benefit of having a vehicle is that you can spot the prone enemies easily in it. 

You can easily reach Conqueror if you follow these things while doing rank push. Remember one thing that you can't avoid the fights totally because others may play rush games and in that case, your abilities and tactics will prove yourself good for reaching Conqueror. And if somehow you are able to reach Conqueror, then you yourself will have the experience to play against the Conqueror players


So this was all on how to do rank push back in PUBG Mobile. I would like to say that first try to make yourself better than earlier because it is not necessary to reach Conqueror than to improve your abilities. And once you find yourself good for reaching Conqueror, then you can definitely try it. Hope this article would be found helpful to you for your destination search. If you get some ideas to rank push then please respond. You can also ask related questions in the comment section. Stay tuned with us to get more information related to PUBG Mobile and many other information. Stay safe and stay healthy. Thank You.