CBSE class 12 reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021 | CBSE new syllabus 2020-2021: We all are aware of the pandemic situation from which the whole world is suffering. The spreading of Corona virus is not reducing and it is continuously increasing it's patient number. The only way to be safe from it is to make social distance and stay at home. Government is taking many steps to control it's effect but is not found fruitful to good amount. 

CBSE class 12 reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021
CBSE class 12 reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021

Many things is going worst such as budget of the country, education, transportation, and business of many people. Government is distributing free food materials to all the families but it will also be hard if the condition remains same. Keeping these things aside, the most heavy problem is facing those students who have board exams in session 2020-2021

They are not getting proper education because all the schools and colleges are closed at this pandemic condition. CBSE has told every school and colleges to teach students through online classes. But this can't fulfill the class environment and other thing is that many students doesn't have smartphones to attend online classes.

So keeping all these things in mind, CBSE has reduced 30% of the total syllabus. This has been done because the syllabus of Class 12 is very much considering the time left for the class 12 board exam. This reduction in syllabus is done in very detailed way that will be explained further here. Also the topics are removed on the basis of importance of those topics. It has no guarantee through CBSE that any of the removed topic will come in competitive questions or not. Here below are the details of CBSE class 12 reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021.

CBSE Class 12 Science reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021:

Class 12 Physics syllabus (removed):

Chapter 1: Electronic charges and field -

Page no. 39,40,41( uniformly charged thin spherical shell) has been removed from the syllabus.

Chapter 2: Electrostatic potential and capacitance - 

Nothing has been removed from this chapter

Chapter 3: Current Electricity-

Page no. 107,108 and 109 (series and parallel combination of resistors) Carbon register and color code of carbon resistors has been removed.

Chapter 4: Moving charges and magnetism-

Page no.140,141,142 (cyclotron) has been removed.

Chapter 5: Magnetism and matter-

Page no. 176,177,178,179, Ex5.4 (Magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole (bar magnet) about its axis and perpendicular to its axis, torque on a magnetic dipole (bar magnet) in an uniform magnetic field)
Page 191(5.6),192,193,194 (Para, dia- and ferro - magnetic materials, with examples. Electromagnets and factors affecting their strengths, permanent magnets).

Chapter 7 : Alternating Current-

Page no 252 (power factor), Wattless current

Chapter 8 : Electromagnetic Waves-

Page no. 270(8.2),271,272,273 (Displacement Current)

Chapter 9 : Ray Optics and Optical Instrument 

Page no. 310(9.2),311,312,313,314,315,316 (Reflection of light, spherical mirrors, recapitulation, mirror formula)
Page no. 335 (9.8.2) (Scattering of Light)

Chapter 10 : Wave Optics-

Page no. 372 to 382 (astronomical telescope and resolving power of microscope,  polarisation, plane polarised, Brewster’s Law, uses of plane polarised light and polaroids)

Chapter 11 : Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter-

Page no. 403,404 (Davisson and Germer experiment)

Chapter 13: Nuclei-

Page no. 446 to 451(13.6.4) (Radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma particles/rays and their properties; half life radioactive decay and mean life)
Page no. 442(13.4.2) to 445 (excluding 13.5) (binding energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number)

Chapter 14 : Semiconductors Electronics : Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits

Page no. 485,486 ( zener diode as a voltage regulator, Zener Diode and their characteristics)

Practicals : No project and Activity to be demonstrated, now there will be 8 experiments instead of 12.

CBSE Class 12  reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021:

Class 12 Chemistry syllabus (removed):

Chapter 1- Solid State:

Intext question-1.23 , 1.24   

Exercise- 1.17 , 1.18 ,1.20 ,1.22 ,1.26

Chapter 2- Solution:

Example- 2.12 , 2.13   

Exercise- 2.40

Chapter 3- Electrochemistry:

Intext question- 3.13 , 3.14 ,3.15

Chapter 4- Chemical kinetics:

Example- 4.0 , 4.10 , 

Intext question- 4.5 , 4.6 , 4.7 , 4.8, 4.9 

Exercise- 4.22, 4.23 , 4.24 , 4.26 , 4.27 , 4.28 , 4.29 , 2.30

Chapter 5- Surface Chemistry:

Intext question- 5.4 , 5.5 , 5.6 

Ex.- 5.7 , 5.13 , 5.19 , 5.20 , 5.21 , 2.22

Chapter 6. General Principles and Processes of isolation of element:

Removed completely

Chapter 7. The p Block Element

Example- 7.6 , 7.7 , 7.8 , 7.9  

Intext question- 7.7 , 7.8 , 7.9 , 7.10 , 7.11 , 7.12 , 7.23 , 7.24 

Ex- 7.13, 7.15 , 7.16 , 7.21

Chapter 8. The d & f Block:

Intext question- 8.1o

Ex- 8.14 , 8.15 , 8.16 , 8.20 , 8.26 , 8.29 , 8.30 , 8.33

Chapter 9. Co-ordination Compounds:

Example- 9.4 , 9.5 , 9.6   

Intext question- 9.3 , 9.4 

Exercise- 9.8 , 9.9 , 9.10 , 9.11 , 9.12 , 9.27

Chapter 10. Haloalkane and Haloarenes:

Ex.- 10.13

Chapter 11. Alcohols, Ethers and Phenols :

Nothing Removed

Chapter 12. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids:

 Nothing removed

Chapter 13. Amines:

Ex- 13.5 ,   

Intext question- 13.9   

Ex. - 13.7[ ii ] , 13.8[ iv ] , 13.9[ iv, vi ] , 13.11[ ii, iv, vii ]

Chapter 14. Biomolecules:

Intext question- 14.2, 14.6 , 14.7 ,14.8 

Ex.- 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.19, 14.20,

Chapter 15. Polymer : 

Completely Removed

Chapter 17. Chemistry in Every day Life : 

Completely Removed

Solid State : 

Electrical and magnetic properties. Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators and n and p type semi conductors. 


Abnormal molecular mass, Van't Hoff factor


Lead accumulator, fuel cells, corrosion, law of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell- electrolytic cells and Galvaniccells,

Chemical Kinetics: 

Concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment), activation energy, Arrhenius equation.

Surface Chemistry: 

Emulsion - types of emulsions, catalysis: homogenous and heterogeneous, activity and selectivity of solid catalysts; enzyme catalysis,

General Principles and Processes of isolation of Elements: 

Entire unit are removed. 

p-Block Elements: 

Preparation and properties of Phosphine, Sulphuric Acid: industrial process of manufacture, Oxides of Nitrogen (Structure only); Phosphorus - allotropic forms, compounds of phosphorus: Preparation and properties of Halides and Oxo acids (elementary idea only).

d and f-Block Elements: 

Chemical reactivity of lanthanoids, Actinoids Electronic configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lanthanoids.
Preparation and properties of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7.

Coordination Compounds: 

Structure and stereoisomerism, importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological system).

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes:

Uses and environmental effects of -dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers:

uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol.

Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acid:

Only uses are removed. 


Diazonium salts Preparation, chemical reactions and importance in synthetic organic chemistry.


Oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides
(starch, cellulose, glycogen), importance of carbohydrates.
Vitamins– classification and functions. Enzymes, Hormones -Elementary idea excluding structure.


entire chapter removed

Chemistry in Everyday life:

entire chapter removed

Practicals removed from syllabus:

1. Surface Chemistry:

A. Preparation of one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol Lyophilic sol - starch, egg albumin and gum Lyophobic sol - aluminium hydroxide, ferric hydroxide, arsenous sulphide.

B. Dialysis of sol-prepared in (a)above.
c. Study of the role of emulsifying agents in stabilizing the emulsion of different oils.

2. Chemical Kinetics

A. Effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of reaction between Sodium
Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.
B. Study of reaction rates of any one of the following:
a) Reaction of Iodide ion with Hydrogen Peroxide at room temperature using different concentration of Iodideions.

b) Reaction between Potassium Iodate, (KIO3) and Sodium Sulphite: (Na2SO3)using starch solution as indicator (clock reaction).

3. Thermo chemistry:

Any one of the following experiments:
a) Enthalpy of dissolution of Copper Sulphate or Potassium Nitrate.

b) Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid (HCI) and strong base(NaOH).

c) Determination of enthaply change during interaction (Hydrogen bond formation) between Acetone and Chloroform.

4. Electrochemistry:

Variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn 2+|| Cu2+/Cu with change in concentration of electrolytes (CuSO4 or ZnSO4) at room temperature.

5. Preparation of Organic Compounds:

Preparation of any one of the following compounds
a) Acetanilide
b) Di-benzal Acetone
c) p-Nitroacetanilide
Aniline yellow or 2 - Naphthol Anilinedye

CBSE Class 12 Maths reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021:

Class 12 Mathematics syllabus (removed):

•Ex- 1.3,1.4

• Ex-2.2
• Misc. - 9 to 17

Chapter-3 :
• Ex-3.4

Chapter-4 :
• Ex-4.2
• Ex-4.6
• Misc.-2, 11 to 15

Chapter-5 :
• Ex-5.8
• Misc.-19

Chapter-6 :
• Ex-6.1
• Ex-6.4
• Misc.-3,19

Chapter-7 :
• Ex-7.8
• Supplementary
• Misc.- 40

Chapter-8 :
•Ex- 8.2
•Misc.- 12,18,19

Chapter-9 :
• Ex-9.3
• Ex-9.6 (Q 19)
• Misc. -3,5,17

Chapter-10 :
• Supplementary
• Misc.- 18

Chapter-11 :
• Ex-11.2 -- Q-10,11
• Ex-11.3 -- Q-12,13(a) ,13 ( e )
• Misc.-3,5

Chapter-12 :
• Ex-12.1 -- Q-4,6,9
• Ex-12.2 -- Q-1,9,10
• Misc.-2,3

Chapter-13 :
• Ex-13.4
• Ex-13.5
• Misc.-5,6,9

Relation and Function:
• Composite function, inverse of a function

Inverse trigonometric function:
• Graph of inverse trigonometric function
• Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric function

• Existence of non zero matrices whose product is zero matrix.
• Concept of elementary row and column operation.
• proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists

• Properties of determinant
• Inconsistency, consistency and number of solution of a system if linear equation with example.

Continuity and differentiability:
• Rolle's and Langrang's mean value theorem
and their geometric interpretation

Application of derivative:
• Rate of change of derivative
• Use of derivative in approximation

• Definite Integerals as a limit of sum

Differential equations:
• Formation of differential equations whose general equation is given

•Scalar triple product of vectors

3- dimensional geometry:
• Angle between two lines, two planes and a line and a plane.

Linear Programming:
• Mathematical formulation of L.P problems

• Mean and variance of random variables
• Binomial probability distribution

What is the benefits of 30% reduced syllabus by CBSE for class 12 ?

• After the reduction of syllabus, both students and teachers will find it easier to complete the syllabus at time. The reduction in topics from each chapter can simply be skipped considering the board exam. Many questions have also been removed from the exercises that can be skipped while studying.

• Students will get much time to complete a topic and they can fully concentrate on a particular topic. Teachers also can take their time to explain any topic so that every student can understand it.

What are the demerits behind reducing 30% syllabus by CBSE for class 12 ?

All students are happy that the syllabus has been reduced but it is the fact that reduction in syllabus will directly affect the study materials of all the students.

• The reduced syllabus will not be taught in school and colleges due to which students will miss the knowledge of those topics. The actual study of class 12 will be effected and students will be in loss. Another thing is that, some topics are correlated that may be from deleted topics. This can be found a trouble for the students as they would have not studied that  topic.

• The topics that are reduced for CBSE exam pattern is not necessary that those questions will not come in competitive exams such as IIT or NDA. So if a student wants to prepare for competitive exams, then he/she has to study full syllabus anyhow. But for CBSE board exams, a student can go through this blindly to score good marks.


So that was all the things about CBSE class 12 reduced 30% syllabus details 2020-2021 | CBSE new syllabus 2020-2021. Hope this information would be found helpful to you. If you get to know for what you are here here then please leave a reply. Take care and stay safe. Thank you.