Top Strange Laws of Different Countries : 

Hey guys, what's up! Welcome here to our beautiful site, "Informing World". We are always here to give you some extra information about our aesthetic world.We are very grateful that we exist in this world and enjoy it's beauty but sometimes we have to face it's anger also. So let's begin with the topic for which you are here.

Top strange laws of different country: Laws are made for the protection and hormony of the people. It boundaries the limits of a person and make sure that there is peace in the society . But there are certain laws in different countries of the world that seems useless and funny. There doesn't seem any good reason for applying these laws that much strictly. There are many strange and Wiered laws in different countries of the world. But we will talk here only about those laws that seems really Wiered and useless. So here we list out the top 10 strange and Wiered laws of different countries of the world. 
Top 10 weird laws

1. In a law in Georgia, it is illegal for a chicken to cross a road : 

 Don't know why would a chicken try to cross a road! But it's illegal to do so. By the way, who will be punished if a chicken is caught to do so. 

 2. In Russia, it is illegal to drive a dirty car : 

  There doesn't seems any good reason behind it. As driving without seatbelt is illegal sounds proper but driving a dirty car is illegal, it's really a strange law. Now think! What would a person do if he is in hurry and his car is dirty? 

3. There is a rule in Scotland that if a person knocks at your door, then you have to let him come inside the home and also let him use your bathroom freely: 

   This is really an awkward and strange rule that doesn't make any sense. Instead it takes away your privacy and could be risky to open your door for all unknown person. But it's a in Scotland and if do not do so, you may have pay fine for it. This law has been questioned many a time but there is still no change in the law. By the way, who would like to use other's bathroom!!

4. In Switzerland , it is illegal to flush toilets in apartments and      buildings after 10 PM: 

    This law was applied to stop sound pollution at night. Actually flushing toilets produce a lot of sound which disturb the sleeping persons in  lower and upper floors of the apartment and building. But what would a person do if he/she want to use his bathroom urgently. Leaving your bathroom without flushing also don't sounds good. But whatever is the rule, if it's broken then you will be punished. 

5. In Mexico , it is illegal to  lift up your leg from the paddle during riding your bicycle : 

   There doesn't seem any good sense for this law as just lifting your leg from the paddle of your bicycle can rarely cause an accident. Yes! This law was in action to stop accidents related to cycling. It's really confusing to decide whether this law is meaningful or not as riding bicycle without any fun is really boring.

6. In Singapore, chewing gum is strictly prohibited : 

    This is really disappointing for the people who love chewing gum while doing some work. Not only people would be disappointed, chewing gum companies would also be suffering a great loss in it. If any company or person is found making chewing gum will, then he will be prisoned and fined. Chewing gum was banned in Singapore due to the pollution caused by it and the cost of cleaning it was very high.

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7. In a place called Okalahoma , it is against the law to make ugly faces for dogs. 

Sounds funny!! It means if a person cannot disrespect a dog even if the dog is barking at him. Actually this law was in action to show respect for the loyality of a dog. By the way who will file the case if a person make ugly faces for a dog......? The dog??

8. In Florida, a married woman is allowed to do skydive only on Sunday : 

   It's totally a strange law.  It didn't seemed any relation between the marriage and skydive. Why would it became necessary for the government  to make these kind of decisions. But this law in is one of the most strict law followed in Florida. 

9. There is another law in Switzerland in which it is illegal to keep one goldfish in aquarium. 

  The fact is that, people are allowed to own goldfish in pairs because an alone goldfish do not survive for a long time. That's good that people and government are thinking about animals also but making it illegal seems too much.


So this was the top strange laws of different country. Most of these laws do not make any sense but if is still followed in these countries very strictly.  Hope this information would be found helpful to you in some way and if you gain some information about the weird and strange laws from different countries then please show some response. Take care and stay safe. Thank you.