How to make a miniature waterfall at home|How to make a toy water pump at home: 

The whole world is staying at home to fight against Corona Virus. These moments are of course very boaring for us as we have nothing to do. But this is the best moment for us to try something new, to innovate our mind beyond it's boundaries. One thing we can do is to decorate our house with the waste materials present in our home and try something new. There are a lot of things we can use to decorate our house but keeping in mind that we have to do something new, we can make a mini waterfall at home. In this article we will know how to make a miniature waterfall at home fully decorated with plastic plant and trees. 

how to make miniature waterfall at home

Materials required : 
• A mini homemade motor pump,
• Two plastic bottles,
• Some plastic trees,
• Acrylic paint colors, 
• Hot glue gun or some adhesive materials only
• Some epoxy sealant

These all materials are very necessary for making a mini waterfall at home, also by using these materials, we will reuse of plastic materials. We have to keep in mind that these materials ( plastic) are very harmful for our environment, so using it again and again will also save our environment. But before starting to make the base of waterfall, we have to make the mini water pump at home.

How to make a toy water pump at home: 

Water pump is one of the most required thing to make the waterfall as it will recycle the water up and down the fall. The basic materials required for making a mini water pump are, a DC motor, two bottle caps, some sealants and a flexible pipe. We can also use hot glue gun instead of sealant to make the water pump spill proof. 

  •  Take the two water bottle caps ( the caps should be little larger in size ), make a hole in the center of one bottle cap and make another hole on the round part of the other bottle cap. Make sure that the diameter of the holes should be equal to the diameter of the flexible pipe taken. The central hole in one cap will work as the entrance of water in the pump and the side hole on the other cap will work as the exit of the water from the pump.

  •  The second thing we have to do is to make the propeller that will displace water to make the cycle continuous. For this, take another water bottle of little smaller size and cut out the circular part of the bottle. Make sure that the size of the bottle cap should not be much less the other bottle caps. Further cut some strips from remaining part of the bottle cap to make the propeller of the water pump. Now paste these strips vertically in the circular part of the cut out bottle cap leaving some space at the center of the circular part. This is done to ensure that there in enough space for attaching the motor with it. 

Assembling all the parts: 

Now the parts are ready to be assembled. At first, join the side by holed bottle cap with the motor making a proper hole in it. After that join the propeller with the motor from inside the joined bottle cap. These joining with the motor should be very tight so that it do not get detached during the water supply. Finally fix the center holed bottle cap with the other bottle cap with sealant or hot glue gun making a shape of the cylinder. Now join wires with the motor. The mini water pump is now ready to use. 

How to make a toy water pump at home
How to make toy water pump at home

How to make a miniature waterfall at home: 

Further we have to make a mini mountain for  the watrfall. For this take the two water bottles and try to make a mountain with them and use the mouth of the bottle to make the peak of the mini mountain. For making the mini mountain you can also use clay to give some details to the mountain. These can further be easily water proofed by acrylic paint. You can also use other sealant also to make the mountain water proof.
We have to keep remember in mind while making the mountain that there should be a slope for water to flow. 

In the bottom of the mini mountain we have to place a container of large surface area and it should be not visible to others. This can be done by using clay and fully covering the edges are of the container with it. 

The mountain along with waterfall would look more better if the mini mountain is made up of two steps. After making all the parts of the mountain you can do some finishing in it such adding some white color in the peak of the mountain to show it snowy or whatever you like, you can do. For making the bottom look beautiful you can also add colorful pebbles in it. This will beatify the bottom of the water and mini mountain. 

Having done all the finishes, we can now add trees in it. While adding trees it should be in mind that the trees should cover all the remaining bottom parts of the mountain. You can add tree and some vines in the surfaces of the mountain to look realistic. 

How to make a miniature waterfall at home
How to make a miniature waterfall at home

Now if you have done all the finishing along with all the required detailings, you can add the mini water pump to it. As fitted earlier a pipe in the mini water pump, fix the other side of the water pump on the bottom container of the mountain. It is suggested that you should fix the water pump at the top of the mountain so that water can easily be released from the pump. 

But if you have used a high rpm motor in the mini water pump, you can fix the water pump wherever you want. It wouldn't look beautiful if the pipe is visible, so make sure to cover it or you can also match if with the background by adding some details in it. 

Now the final step is to cover all the structure with thick acrilic sheet. This cover may or may not be water proof because it has no effect on the model. This is only done to secure all the parts that are used in the miniature waterfall. You can also left it open but there are chances that it get covered with dirt and many parts may also get detach by some mistakes. 

So it is in your own risk to leave the miniature waterfall open. After having done all these parts your miniature waterfall is now ready to decorate your house and you can place it in the most attractive place. 

Conclusion : 

So this was an article based on how to make a miniature waterfall at home  for decoration. By using all the steps you can easily make a miniature waterfall at home. If you don't want to make water fall and wanted to know how to make a toy water pump at home, you can make that also by following the steps. Hope this article would be proved helpful to you somehow. If it is proved helpful, then please show some response. And stay connected to us for more this kind of helpful information.