Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020 | PUBG gameplay 

Players Unknown Battleground (PUBG)  Mobile is a well flourished online video game in today's time. It is a survival game in which you have to survive till last by killing other players to win the matches. 

When you enter in the match, you will be dropped into an island via an aeroplane and thereafter your survival starts. You have to loot guns and other materials to survive in the match. The most important thing to win the match is having good guns because you have kill at least one last player to win the match ( except when there are chances of heal battle or the last player die outside the play zone or if last player exit the game etc.)

Best guns in pubg mobile 2020

There are more chances to win the match if you have good guns with you such as drop guns or high damage guns. But there are also some guns in PUBG Mobile that are useless because of their very low damage and many other disadvantages. In this article we will talk about all those guns that are most useful I PUBG Mobile and players prefer to use them till the last circle. 

This list is on the basis of advantages and high pick up of the guns by the players. Many of the players may use these guns as everyone has their own choice according to how the find it better. We will list up here 10 most used guns in PUBG Mobile with their advantages and disadvantages also. 

10. DP-28 : 

Counted in the list of light machine guns, DP-28 is one of the most stable and high damaging guns. It uses the amo of 7.62mm. DP-28 is the favorite gun of well-known streamer and competitive player in PUBG Mobile, Mortal. What make it good among all the guns in PUBG Mobile is its high damage and ability to fight at any range, whether it is close, mid or long-range.  

Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

Players use this gun in huge amount because it has all the property of a favorable gun. The only reason for which many players don't take this gun is it's high reloading time. The firing rate of DP-28 is little slow which is also a drawback of this gun. But when we talk of the merits of this gun, it clearly overpowers against it's demerits. 

Since, it is a light machine gun, it can load 47 bullets of in single time that help a lot to players to give a longer spray with stability. There are also many records in PUBG Mobile e-sports using this gun. So we can say that it is one of the best gun in PUBG Mobile. 

9. M762 : 

This gun is favourite of a lots of well known PUBG Mobile players in India because it is a monster gun for close range. This gun is also known as Beryl and most of the players use this name only. It also uses amo of 7.62mm. Beryl has a very high damage and it's aim assistance is also good which make it favourite among most of the PUBG Mobile players. 
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

The other thing that proves helpful for the players is three firing modes available in this gun, single, burst in which three bullets releases with each tap and auto mode also. It can hold three attachments in it namely muzzle, Grip and magazine. When fitted with all these attachments this gun can easily make a player to win close and mid range fights because it has a good fire rate along with high damage. 

But it has some disadvantages also. One of the disadvantage of this gun is it's high recoil without it's attachments. The other disadvantage is it's disability to take proper fight in long range. 

But this gun is still used by many players because the have mastered in using this gun properly. 

8. Scar-L : 

This gun is counted among most stable guns in PUBG Mobile with appreciable damage. When a player have to choose a best gun for close as well as long range, this gun would be definitely in the top of the list. 

This gun do not have greater damage ability but since it has the highest aim assistance, a player can easily get a quick knock with it against any gun. It can also give a good spray in long range with high accuracy and assistancy. Scar-L can have three attachments with it and that are, Muzzle, Grip and Magazine and uses amo of 5.56 mm. 
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

There are many other advantages of this gun such as quick reloading and faster firing rate that make it over powered against many guns in PUBG Mobile. The disadvantage of this gun is lower damage and little high recoil without it's attachments. 

This gun needs a better attachments choice by a player to use it properly, but sometimes it is difficult to find all the favourable attachments due to which this gun becomes little improper to use. 

7. AKM : 

AKM is the best gun among all the spawning Assault Rifles (AR) for an assalter. The full name of this gun is ........ AKM has the highest damage among all the spawning guns in PUBG Mobile. It uses the amo of 7.62 mm and the bullet speed of this gun is very high due to which the damage of AKM remains uneffected at any range. 

The well known streamers and PUBG Mobile competitive players such as ScoutOP, Jonathan and many more also uses this gun  only for close range fights. What make it more better for close range is it's high assistance and the highest damage. 

Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

There are only two attachments for this gun that are Muzzle and Magazine. Most of the players prefer compensator as a muzzle in AKM because it increases it's accuracy a lot.

 This gun is also available with single firing mode that is very helpful for sniping in long range with larger scope such as 6x and 4x. But as usual if something has merits, then it will have demerits also. The demerit of this is it's high recoil specially the vertical recoil and another demerit is it's disability to take a good fight in long range. 

Most of the players use this gun without any scope i.e. in iron sight only. By this using this gun iron sight a player get better accuracy and feel less recoil in this gun. So the fact is that AKM is the best assaulting gun that are spawned in PUBG Mobile. 

6. M416 : 

About 70%-80% of the players like to keep this gun with them because of the advantages of this gun. You can say that M416 is the only gun that has negligible hater because everyone prefer to keep this gun never matter which gun they are having as secondary gun. M416 uses amo of 5.56 mm and is one of the best gun for close as well as long range. 

It has a nice damage greater than Scar-L and has also a good fire speed. The most important thing in this gun that attract the players is it's very less recoil and high stability. When we talk of PUBG Mobile competitive players, everyone like to have M416 for long range spray. It is the only spawning gun in PUBG Mobile that has very less demerits and hold good in every situation. 

Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

When it is equipped with all it's attachments that are stock, muzzle, grip and magazine, then it will be the most dangerous spawning weapon in PUBG Mobile. There isn't any disadvantage of this gun except that many a time it loses close fights against AKM or M762. 

But if you have good aim and accuracy, then you can also defeat the AKM user against you. And if you already have AKM for close fights, then congrats! You can easily win the game if you have that ability. 

5. M249 :   

The sound of this gun is enough to tell the enemies to stay away from it. It is the monster in all the guns. M249 is a light machine gun and is one the Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020  that uses amo of 5.56 mm and are found in air drop supplies. The most amazing feature of this gun is that it can load 100 amo in a single time which is enough to swipe up a full squad. 

The damage of this is also very high which adds up it's advantages over other guns. Another advantageous feature of this gun is that it has a very high firing speed. If you are having this gun then you can also rush fearlessly on the enemies against tpp by giving continuous free fire. 

It is suggested that if you are driving a vehicle in PUBG Mobile and someone starts firing with M249, then it is better to stop the vehicle and come out of that because there are very less chances that anyone can save that car from exploding. 

These were the advantages of this gun but there are many disadvantages of gun also. One of the most tempting disadvantage of this gun that players face is it's highest reloading time. M249 takes the longest reloading time in all the guns in PUBG mobile and if by chance it comes in reloading during the close fights then you will definitely be dead. 

The other disadvantage of this gun is very high recoil. M249 is an one man army in close range but it can easily be defeated in mid or long range. So if you have already a long range gun then you can definitely take this gun. 

4. AWM : 

When we talk of the king of long range fights, then AWM will be the only name heard. It is a sniper rifle that uses amo of Magnum 300 and is found in air drop supplies in PUBG Mobile. The full form of AWM is Automatic Warfare Magnum.

 The bullet piercing of this gun is highest among all the guns, weather it is sniper or any other gun. If you are a sniper lovers then AWM will definitely be your favorite gun of all the snipers. It is the only gun in PUBG Mobile that can completely Pierce a level 3 helmet in only one shot to get a knock. 

Crossbow can also do the same but it has no use in long range. It is a gift for a sniper lovers in PUBG Mobile if he/she get AWM. The bullet speed of this gun is highest among any gun and is also the longest gun in PUBG Mobile. The only demerit of this gun as every sniper has that it is useless in close range. 

But since it is a sniper we should not judge it with it's assalting capabilities because a sniper is maid only for long range counters. So if you see AWM in any match of PUBG Mobile then you should definitely pick it up otherwise it could be the reason of your death if your enemies pick it. 

3. MK-14

This is the most powerful and one of the Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020  among all the guns in PUBG Mobile. One headshot of Mk-14 can easily reduce your 70%-80% of health. It is also the only gun in PUBG Mobile that can knock an enemy most quickly. It use the amo of 7.62 mm found in air drop supplies and has two attachments with if name muzzle and magazine. 

When talking of damage of this gun, it has highest damage among all the guns except AWM and crossbow. If you are an assalter then you can't hate this gun and if you do, then definitely you don't know to use it properly. One more benefit of this gun is that you can also equip 8x scope in it. This gun is good for long range when used in single mode and you can say it a beast in close range when used in auto with extended mag. 

If you don't have extended mag, then it will be little hard to get two knocks in one spray but you can still get a single knock because two to three bullets of this gun is enough to knock a enemy. The only and only disadvantage of this gun is it extremely high recoil. Mk-14 has the highest recoil among all the guns in PUBG Mobile except shotguns. 

Many a times 20 bullets seem very less for it because it has a very high firing rate with high bullet speed. But this doesn't seem Everytime because you need not to waste bullets using this gun. So we can say that Mk-14 seems to fit proper in the top 3 ranking of must useful guns in PUBG Mobile. 

2. Groza : 

The most overpowered gun without any disadvantage is only and only groza. It also uses the amo of 7.62 mm and found in air drop supplies. When talking of the most powerful assalting guns in PUBG Mobile, Groza is only name for every PUBG Mobile players. Using this gun you can easily rush against tpp and can easily beat anyone in close as well as mid range fights. 

This gun has two attachments available name muzzle in which suppressor can only be equipped and second is mag. The firing speed of this gun is maximum among all the assalting guns weather it is AKM or M416. When talking of the damage of this gun, Mk- 14 is the only gun which has higher damage than this gun. But as it can load 40 bullets with extended mag, it can easily overpower Mk-14. 

Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

One more advantage of this gun is it's high aim assistance and more bullet piercing property. One spray of Groza is enough to blast a car and get easy kills. One disadvantage of this gun is that if appears little weak in long range but this should be kept in mind that it is not made for long range fights. 

And if we still compare it with that disadvantage, then we will simply be measuring a fish by it's  climbing ability. So it is Crystal clear the reason behind keeping this gun at second position among all the Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020.

1. AUG A3 :  

This gun is favourite gun of many players in PUBG Mobile. The YouTube streamer with highest number of subscribers in gaming field, Dynamo also likes this gun the most. AUG A3 uses amo of 5.56 mm and it is also an air drop supply gun. 

The reason behind keeping this gun in first position is it's negligible recoil and very high damage. This gun is the most accurate gun in PUBG Mobile and has highest damage among all the 5.56 mm using guns except M249. Having a good aim assistance, this gun proves to be better than Groza  in many way.

In an experiment to check weather AUG A3 is better or Groza, two teams each with 50 players were made. One team was using AUG A3 and the other team was given Groza. Then each team was proned at a distance facing each other and started firing to each other. It was surprising to see that AUG A3 won that experiment with a very clear margin. Apart from gaming, in real life also army militant prefer to use AUG A3 rather than Groza. It can be equipped with three attachments in it that are Muzzle, Grip and Magazine. 

Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020
Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020

The only disadvantage of this gun is it's little high reloading time but that can be easily overcome by using a quick draw mag. So the above reasons make this gun best among all the Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020 in PUBG Mobile and you can blindly use this gun in PUBG Mobile. 

Conclusion : 

So that was all in this list of Best Guns in PUBG Mobile 2020 and hope it would be helpful for you. There are also many other gun that are good but has some big disadvantages that could not include it in the list. 

The guns such as Vector and UZI are one of the best SMG guns for close range. But since they  are useless for long range and has some other disadvantages also these guns are not included in this list. 

The recently added shotgun found in air drop, DBS is also an unbeatable gun for close range but it has also many disadvantages. These were the best gun in PUBG Mobile and you would try these guns in PUBG Mobile if you haven't yet.