Will PUBG Mobile ban in India? 

Before starting Will PUBG Mobile ban in India, let's talk something about PUBG Mobile. Players Unknown Battleground (PUBG)  Mobile is a well flourished online video game in today's time. It is a survival game in which you have to survive till last by killing other players to win the matches. When you enter in the match, you will be dropped into an island via an aeroplane and thereafter your survival starts. You have to loot guns and other materials to survive in the match. This game has gained too much popularity among the youngsters and they like to play this game. But it is in talk nowadays that PUBG Mobile will be banned in India. Actually there are some disputes going over between the China and India due to which India has already banned 59 Chinese apps in recent times. And now the Indian government has again announced that they will ban 47 more Chinese apps. This announcement has filled fear in the mind of PUBG Mobile players because there are chances of ban of this app also. So let's start the topic Will PUBG Mobile ban in India or not? 

Will PUBG Mobile ban in India?
Will PUBG Mobile ban in India?

Why Chinese apps are being banned in India? 

PUBG Mobile is among the most played games in India and many players are attached to this game. After the confirmation of ban of 59 Chinese apps, India government has again announced to ban 47 more Chinese apps. First of all I would like to tell you the reason behind the ban of apps. From starting of the year, there are some disputes going on between India and China but this controversy has gained fire in last two months. This has made the Indian government to take action against China. India is a big market of many Chinese products from a toy to Mobile phones and there are many Chinese apps also that is very much used in India. Tik Tok was also a Chinese app that is banned in India with other 58 apps. Actually China earns a huge money from these kind of apps and grow their economy rate that rank China in rich countries. 

By the ban of some most used Chinese apps in India, the Indian government has hit an indirect slap to the economy of China. By the ban of these apps, now China would not be able to earn money from these kind of apps in India. Also these kind of Chinese apps distract people from their work such as Tik Tok on which people were to be continuously busy using it. This all things affect the GDP of the country and draw it down in world level. These all reason made the Indian government to ban Chinese apps in India. 

Will PUBG Mobile ban India? 

After the ban of 59 Chinese apps in India, the Indian government has again decide to ban 40 more Chinese app. This time PUBG Mobile can also be included in this list because China also earns a huge money daily from this game. Actually the headquarter of PUBG Mobile is in China and most the earning go there only. By this fact Indian government can also include PUBG Mobile in the list of Chinese apps to be banned further. Government think and plans a lot before choosing any app to ban because there are many apps that are necessary for daily use and the ban of those kind of apps can affect the life of a person. Therefore government will also think a lot before banning PUBG Mobile because there are thousands of people in India who are earning through PUBG Mobile and has made carrier in it. Also some of the PUBG Mobile players are addicted to this game and the sudden ban of this app can affect their life. 

But here comes again a controversy that people were not thinking of ban of Tik Tok because thousands of people were employed through this app. All thought that ban of Tik Tok will make the people violent and every Tik Tok user will be angry to the government's decision. But nothing happened like that and everything ended smoothly. Similarly ban of PUBG Mobile would be handled smoothly by the government without any much violence.  In fact most of parents of PUBG Mobile players will be supportive to the ban of PUBG Mobile. So if anyone is thinking that PUBG Mobile can't ban in India, then he/she is very wrong at his/her place. So there are above 50% chances that PUBG Mobile will once ban in India. 

Disadvantages of ban of PUBG Mobile in India: 

• There are a lof PUBG Mobile Players in India that are earning through this game and has made carrier in this game. Some has gained popularity by playing competitive matches in PUBG Mobile and some through other means. At all there are thousands of players who are making money by this game and running their home. PUBG Mobile is one of the best means of earning money for players in quarantine when there is no sorce of income. Ban of PUBG Mobile will simply stop their earnings and this can lead to serious consequences for them. You can correlated it with the ban of Tik Tok. Banning Tik Tok was a good thing but it was also a mistake of government that they simply ignored the persons who were employed by this app and were earning through this app. So if government think of the employment of the persons who will lose their earnings after ban of PUBG Mobile, then there will not be much problem to people. 

• PUBG Mobile is a world wide online game in which players can interact with each other. 
There are maximum 4 players in a team allowed in PUBG Mobile and all 4 of them can be randoms i.s. no one know each other. When we talk of the servers in PUBG Mobile, India comes on Asia server. Now, when all 4 players are randoms, then there are most probable chances that they will all be from different states. In that case PUBG Mobile provided a platform for friendship with people of other states sharing love and support. And most interesting thing is that it can be done easily i.s you can make friends across the different states of the country easily. Not only within the country, you can also make friends of other countries by playing in different server. This feature is not provided by all the online survival apps. So PUBG Mobile is also helping people to break the boundaries of states and countries by sharing love and friendship. So the question will PUBG Mobile ban in India doesn't make  any sence. 

• We all are aware of the current situation of Corona Virus which is still on attack. The only way to be safe from this virus is washing our hands properly and staying at home when it is not necessary to go outside. To make it compulsory, government has also taken many steps such as one year  imprisonment or a fine of one lakh fine if anyone is caught outside home uselessly. So staying at home is best and only way to be sfae from Corona virus and PUBG Mobile is helping youngsters a lot to stay at home. They can play PUBG Mobile all day just by staying at home and can be avoided by playing outside taking risk. This is one of the most noticing drawback of the ban of PUBG Mobile in India. Children and youngsters will be bored at home if PUBG Mobile is banned in India and they will try to move outside the home to play. This can be a great risk for them as the infected people by Corona virus is increasing by thousands every day. So at this time, ban of PUBG Mobile in India is of a little risk. 

Advantages of ban of PUBG Mobile in India: 

• PUBG Mobile is a survival game in which you have to survive to the top to win the match. It takes a lot of time to complete a classic match and a PUBG player can't be satisfied by playing a single match only. The average time a PUBG player play PUBG is 3-4 hours per day which is very large. Now this game proves simply a wastage of time specially for students because it takes their study times. Students couldn't focus on their study and the simply waste their time uselessly playing PUBG Mobile all the day. In fact there are a lot of players that play PUBG Mobile even at late nights to do rank push or simply because they are addicted to it. Playing PUBG Mobile at daytime sounds somewhat good but playing it in late night also can affect their health. They could suffer headache, sleep loss, body pain etc. by doing this. This is also the reason that most of the parents of PUBG Mobile players wants to stop them ftom playing PUBG Mobile. At all ban of PUBG Mobile will again start the normal days of students and youngsters and they can fully focus on studies. 

• There are also many PUBG Mobile Players who are doing jobs and still play PUBG Mobile. As mentioned earlier, a single match in PUBG Mobile is of more than 30 minutes and it is really tough for a player to exit the match in the mid fame because it can give him minus ratings. Such players who used to play PUBG Mobile at his/her work time, simply spoil their time as they can give it to increase the efficiency of their work. Also it becomes an addiction to play PUBG Mobile in free time and they even don't get to know, how the time passed while playing it. So, if PUBG Mobile is banned in India, every person who are assigned to a particular job, can do their job with full efficiency. This will be a plus point for the ban of PUBG Mobile in India. 

• One of the most important reason for which the ban of PUBG Mobile is advantageous for the country as well as parents is that it will stop wastage of money. PUBG Mobile is an online game and in this game, there are a lot of players who spend money to buy outfits, open crates, Royal Pass, etc. These all things are done using a currency in PUBG Mobile known as Unknown Cash (UC). It is quite funny to know that players buy useless cash for real cash just to show off others by showing his/her inventory. It is the desire of every PUBG Mobile Player to have good gun skins, car skins, Royal Pass, etc. PUBG Mobile gives some gun skins for free also but it does not apply for all the materials that PUBG Mobile launches. Therefore players have to spend money to buy the thing he/she loved and this make the wastage of money. Now think of the player such as Mortal, ScoutOP, etc. who have spent millions of money for doing crate opening to get good outfits and PUBG Mobile is simply banned. In that case their all money will wasted in such a stupidity that should not be done. In fact the tencent company earn money from these ways only. Also the India government will ban it only because the tencent company or indirectly China is earning through this app. 

Now let's talk about an incident when a fourteen years old boy from Punjab spent 14 lakhs rupees just to do crate opening in PUBG Mobile. His family was from middle class and the child further was put to work in a garage to make him understand the importance of money. This is not a single case, there are many other similar cases in India when children have wasted their parents money in PUBG Mobile. So pondering at this point, it will not a bit useless to ban PUBG Mobile in India as it will save billions of money from going outside India. 


So this was all in this topic "Will PUBG Mobile ban in India"? There are chances of ban of PUBG Mobile in India but it is not 100% sure because it will have other consequences also that need to be focused. The ban of PUBG Mobile is on talk from beginning when a child was dead due to it but it do not gained much fire. This demand is again raised and it is only in government's hand to what to do. Here I end the topic"will PUBG Mobile ban in India"? Hope you liked this article and if it is that, then please leave a response. Stay connected with us for more this kind of information, till then take care and stay protected, be inside home. Thank you.