Use of physics in daily life:

We all do different things at home that are related to science, specially physics. Some of the works that we do are very common to us but we still don't know the reason of  happening of that thing. Most of the thing that we use in our daily life has a proper has a proper reason for the function of that thing. So in this topic I will tell you the use of physics in daily life while performing any work or any natural phenomenon. But before that, we need to know some basic things about physics and it's applications. Physics is a branch of science that deal with the physical environment and it's phenomenon. 

Use of physics in daily life:  It is quite difficult to mention all the physical phenomenon or the basic things that is related to Physics. Therefore I will limit my words to some extent only and will mention that things only that is regular in our life and we simply ignore them. The use of physics in daily life is a lot but there already also some things that can be explained properly with the help of physics. Also you may face some common things also that you may be knowing the reason behind it and I grantees that this article will not be found useless to you and you will definitely gain some information from this article. So without wasting much time, let's start the topic, Use of physics in daily life. 

Use of physics in daily life: 

Use of physics in daily life

There are a lot of natural as well as man made things that has physics behind them. In this topic I will tell you some most interesting and unique that we see and use in daily life but we don't know the reason behind the happening of that thing. So let's begin with some basic use of physics in daily life,

How does LPG cylinder works? 

We will rarely find some in the country in this time who don't have LPG connection in their home. Now it has become very common to see LPG connection in almost all the houses because government has provided LPG connection in every houses. The basic thing that LPG connection involves are LPG cylinder and a stove connected through a leak proof pipe. But do you know the working system of an LPG cylinder? First of all I would like to tell you that the full form of LPG is Liquified Petroleum Gas and it is found above the sources of petroleum in the form of gas. 

Use of physics in daily life

You may notice that when you turn on the nozzle of the stove, there is release of gas from the stove or we can say that there is a supply of petroleum gas from the cylinder. Does it mean that the LPG cylinder is filled with gas? The answer is 'NO'. Actually the petroleum gas is compressed that much inside the cylinder that it get condensed into liquid state. This is a basic physics principle that whenever gases are compressed, it's particles move closer to each other and thus changes it's state to liquid or further into solid. When the pressure is reduced from the solidified or liquified state of the substance, it again start taking it's initial state. The same happen in the case of cylinder. When we turn on the nozzle of the stove, a space is formed for the release of pressure from inside the cylinder causing the LPG to come out from the cylinder. 

Why the base of the pots are black painted?

Use of physics in daily life:  Everyone uses pots in their home to cook food in them. You will see that the bottom of the most of the pots are black painted, specially the pots that is made for induction hearth. Have you ever tried to know the reason behind the black color only and no other color? There is a use of physics in daily life related to it. Whenever any object reflect light (energy), it is not heated much by the source of light. Black color is a very bad reflector of any light due to which it absorves most of the light and heated up fastly.  Whenever we talk of black color, it is the best absorver of heat due to which the object with black color is heated quickly without much loss of heat. This the only reason behind the black color of the most of the pots that we see. 

You may notice that your head becomes warm in the summer season when you stand or walk in open with direct sunlight. This also happen due to the black color of your hair and therefore only it is suggested to use umbrella during walking in summer to avoid heat stroke. There are also a lot of devices made on this principle. 

How does any sound comes to us? 

Use of physics in daily life:  It is very obvious that we are able to hear sound whenever anyone speak or anything produce sound. Someone rarely have thought of the reason behind the instant arrival of sound to us whenever sound is produced. But there is a use of physics in daily life behind the arrival of sound to us. First of all I would like to tell you some basic things about sound. Sound is a type of wave that is produced, whenever something vibrates. Sound travels fastest in solid objects, then in liquid and slowest in solid. Waves need a medium to propagate, therefore sound cannot travel a least in vaccum. This means that we will not be able to hear anything when we talk in space. 

Now coming again to the question, sound needs a medium to propagate and when we talk to others, air becomes a medium that time. Sound waves displace the surrounding air particles and the particles then disturb the other neighbor particles. In this way all the air particles in the way of wave comes in motion and thus sound is reached to us. Simply we can say that sound reached us by disturbing and vibrating the particles between the source of sound and the listener. The speed of sound is 340m/sec. 

Why do we not fall while riding a bicycle or a motorcycle? 

Use of physics in daily life:  Most of you would have definitely rided a bicycle or motorcycle. When we start learning to ride a bicycle, we may fall many a time but when we become expert to ride it, it's a rare chance that we fall from it. Why don't we fall after we are known to ride a bicycle? There is a physics behind the the movement of the bicycle without falling. There are two types of motion working during riding a bicycle, one is the circular motion that occurs at the axis of the wheels and the other is rotational motion that help us to move ahead of it's position. 

Use of physics in daily life

We will simply fall down if either of the motion is stopped. Since the wheels of the bicycle are circular, it helps the bicycle to move ahead without falling down. The reason behind not falling down is the inertia of motion which states that whenever an object is in motion, it will tend to always remain in motion untill and unless any external force is applied to it. The external force here is the breaks we apply to stop the bicycle. In short, we can say that the combined circular motion and rotational motion saves us from falling down. And the motion of inertia helps us to stay in motion. So that's why we do not fall down while riding a bicycle or motorcycle. 

Mechanism of Walking 

One of the most simple and basic work that everyone do is Walking. Everyone in the world (except physically challenged)  have to walk at least few steps to do some kind of work. But have you ever  tried to know, how we are able to walk continuously? There is a use of physics in daily life behind the process of Walking. But before answering this question, we need to know some concepts of physics related to it. 

Use of physics in daily life

If you have studied class 11th then, you must have learned the Newton's third law of motion. Newton's third Law of motion states that every action has equal and opposite reactions. This law is applied on Walking also. When we begin to walk, our back leg pushes the floor or land at an angle of nearly 44°. For which the land also apply a reaction force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction and thus we move ahead. We can't walk on slippery areas because there is less friction between the legs and the floor. This law is applicable to all Walking things from insects to elephant.


So this was all in this topic of use of physics in daily life. I have involved here only 5 things that are used in our daily life but we still ignore the reason behind them. Hope you get some information from this article on use of physics in daily life. There are a lot more use of physics in daily life but it is not possible to include all of them in one article only. So this was all in this topic and stay connected with us to get more these kind of helpful information. Till then take care and stay safe. Thank You.