Actual producer of oxygen for the whole world: 

We all know that the world is made up of different layers of the atmosphere. And in each layer, there are many gases present which all have their own role to maintain the condition of the environment. When we talk of the gases present in the atmosphere, there are many gases present. About 78% of the atmosphere is filled with Nitrogen.

But before starting the topic actual producer of oxygen for whole world we need to know some basic things about the atmosphere. 
Nitrogen gas helps us in many ways because it is one of the main nutrient sources for plants and animals. Plants take this Nitrogen from the process of nitrogen fixation as a part of nutrition. 

And herbivorous animals eat those plants to get energy and the process carries on. This Nitrogen in the atmosphere also helps in many other natural activity weather it is done directly or indirectly. Nitrogen gas is lighter than Oxygen, therefore it is found in the upper layers of the atmosphere. 

Let us first know about some basic things about oxygen before starting the topic, actual producer of oxygen for the whole world.The percentage of Oxygen in the atmosphere is about one- a fourth of the Nitrogen. The percentage of Oxygen is only 21% in the atmosphere. And the whole world is taking this oxygen for survival. These include human beings, animals and also many plants and trees. You can easily imagine the requirement of oxygen by this fact only that if there will be no Oxygen in the atmosphere even only for 20 seconds, the whole world will destroy completely.

This is the importance of oxygen in the atmosphere. The volume of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is only 0.03% which is very helpful as well as very disastrous for Mother Earth. This carbon dioxide is taken by the plant and trees for respiration. We always worry about the increasing amount of  Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere but what will happen to the plants and trees if there will be a decrease in the volume of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. 

Actual producer of oxygen for whole world
Actual producer of oxygen for whole world

We will talk about all these things further in the topic of actual producer of oxygen for the whole world. Now the remaining 0.97% of the volume of the atmosphere contains all the gases such as carbon monoxide, dust particles, and many other gases also. But we will mainly focus here the necessity of oxygen in the atmosphere and also the actual producer of oxygen in the atmosphere. And we will also cover some other few topics quickly. 

What is the importance of oxygen in the atmosphere? 

There is much importance of oxygen in the atmosphere. The most important among all is that it is one of the basic requirements for the survival of all organisms except some algae. Most of the plants and all animals depend on the oxygen for respiration. Our body cells need oxygen to perform any function and lack of oxygen leads to many diseases. 

Actual producer of oxygen for whole world
Actual producer of oxygen for whole world

Most of the plants also take oxygen for respiration at night. You may be knowing that, it is recommended that we should not sleep under a tree at night. The reason behind is that most of the plants take oxygen at night and produce carbon dioxide which makes us difficult to breadth during sleeping. But not all the plants and trees produce carbon dioxide at night. 

Trees such as the Neem tree, Peeple tree, Banyan tree, etc. keep producing oxygen at night also. This is also a reason that these trees in India are given respect as a part of rituals. Oxygen is also very necessary for the combustion process to happen. You may judge this by doing a simple experiment. Take a burning candle and cover it with a glass. 

You will notice that the candle stopped lighting because the supply of oxygen is reduced by covering it with the glass. There are many other requirements that are only fulfilled by oxygen but talking of all those things will divert the topic. So having all the basic information, let's begin with the topic for which we are here. 

Actual producer of oxygen for the whole world :

We all know that trees produce oxygen that we breadth. But when we talk about the actual producer of oxygen for the whole world, then it needs to be really a large group of trees that can fulfill the oxygen requirement of all the people in the world. The Amazon rainforest is known as the ultimate producer of oxygen for the whole world because it is the largest forest in the world.
Actual producer of oxygen for whole world
Actual producer of oxygen for whole world

It is fully covered with different types of plants and trees that also provided shelter to many species living there. But there is a problem with the confirmation of this fact. We know that plants and trees produce oxygen at day and carbon dioxide at night. 

Therefore the fact is that most of the oxygen produced by the plant and trees of the Amazon rainforest is used by them only at night. In another way, we can say that it consumes it's own produced most of the oxygen. So, there arises a question that if the Amazon rainforest does not produce oxygen for the whole world, then why it is known as the ultimate producer of oxygen for the world? 

The answer to the above question is really interesting to know but it is also quite complicated to understand. Yes, it is true that the Amazon rainforest produces oxygen for the whole world and it is also very important to us. But the fact is that the whole world can't survive only on the oxygen produced by the Amazon rainforest. Then there arises a question, What is the actual producer of oxygen and how the Amazon rainforest is involved in it? 

The actual producer of oxygen for the whole world is diatoms and they are found in the shores of the sea and oceans. They produce about 50% of the total oxygen needed in the whole world. These diatoms produce oxygen as a by-product during the nutrition process. Now let's understand this in detail. During the day time, there are loss of water from plants through stomata (what we call transpiration) and these make clouds in the sky in a very large area. 

The transpiration process is that huge in amount that it covers the whole sky with clouds over the Amazon rainforest. You can imagine the area of these clouds over which they are spread just by tjis estimation that if the clouds present above the Amazon rainforest is compared with any river, then this will be the largest river in the whole world. 

And when these clouds precipitate and touches the surface of the earth, it carries a lot of minerals from the surface of the Amazon rainforest and gets mixed with huge rivers. These rivers have branches with more large rivers and finally with the ocean and Sea. All the minerals carried by the rivers from Amazon rainforest or from elsewhere are deposited in the sea and ocean. Now these minerals are the food of diatoms. 

They produce oxygen during their process of nutrition which indirectly comes from Amazon rainforest. Now it would be clear to you how Amazon rainforest is involved in this process. Now it would be also clear that what is the actual producer of oxygen for the whole world. Also, the amount of diatoms present on the shores of the sea and oceans is very large because they are very very small in size. When sea and oceans are seen from the sky, they appear greenish in the shores showing the presence of diatoms. 

Actual producer of oxygen for whole world
Actual producer of oxygen for whole world

•What are diatoms: 

Diatoms are single celled algae that are mainly found in water bodies and the cell wall is made up of silica. Many types of planktonic and extensive fossils have been found of diatoms. 

What will happen if the amount of oxygen in  atmosphere is increased very much ? 

Till now you would have definitely understood the importance of oxygen and actual producer of oxygen for the whole world in the atmosphere for us as well as plants and animals. And the decrease of amount of oxygen in atmosphere can lead to disastrous effects. 

Then does it applies that the excess increase in oxygen (more than24%) in the atmosphere is good for the environment. No, it is also not good. If there will be large increase in the percentage of oxygen in atmosphere then it will simply burn the erath.  We all know that fuel need oxygen for combustion, and if there will be excess oxygen in the atmosphere, then everything in the world will start burning even with sun's heat. 

There will be also a large increase in the temperature of the earth that will be unsuitable for our survival. But it doesn't mean a least that planting trees could be harmful for our environment as it produce the oxygen. We should keep one thing in mind that plants use it's produced oxygen also and it also clean the atmosphere around us. 

The only thing we have to do is to stop exploiting the environment for self greediness. The nature has itself all the solution of it's problems. So we should keep planting trees to see our environment green. 


So this was all about the actual producer of oxygen for the whole world including the Amazon rainforest. In this topic we have told you about what is the actual producer of oxygen for the whole world. Also we have mentioned the effects of increase or decrease of oxygen in the atmosphere. Hope this article on the actual producer of oxygen for the whole world would be found helpful to you for your destination search and if it is, then please show some response and stay connected with us for more world information. Till then stay safe and protected. Thank you.