Ezeephone is fake website |Krypton smartphone 2020

Hey guys, what's up! Welcome here to our beautiful site, "Informing World". We are always here to give you some extra information about our 'aesthetic world'.We are very grateful that we exist in this world and enjoy it's beauty but sometimes we have to face it's anger also. So let's begin with the topic for which you are here.

Krypton Smartphone 2020

In current situation of lockdown, people are doing online marketing in huge amount. Looking at the condition there are some fake companies who are trying to cheat people by selling their fake brands at very low price. Eezyphones.com is also a fraud website where Krypton smartphones are being sold up. Krypton smartphone is  not any kind of official company who make their own smartphones. They what simply do is that they add the name Krypton before the name of some well known smartphones. As an example, they added up Krypton before the name Samsung Galaxy A50 to make it Ktypton A50, Krypton M30 instead of Samsung Galaxy M30 ,etc. The price of these expensive smartphones has also been reduced to very less amount. The website eezyphones.com is advertising his site very much in Facebook pages and on many other social media.

Name of other smartphones vs Krypton smartphones:

Now I am going to tell you the brand name of Krypton smartphone and other smartphone. You will see that this website just put his own company name to all the other smartphone company. The name of krypton smartphone vs other smartphone are as follow: 
Ezeephone is fake website | Krypton smartphone 2020

Price of other smartphones vs Krypton smartphones: 

The reason behind it's so much faster advertisement is the price shown for every smartphone by the ezeephones.com . They have reduced the price of every smartphones to an unexpected amount. This website has reduced the price of every smartphones to Rs.3000-5000 only, irrespective of the original price of the smartphones. They have also mentioned the real price of the smartphones but have guarantied to give above 50% off in every smartphone. The surprising fact is that,only  manufacturing price of some of the Smartphones available in ezeephone.com are more than the tagged price there. It is therefore very much clear that they are just cheating people and using the benefits of current situation of people in quarantine. 

What happens if you order Krypton smartphones from ezeephone? 

You may ask, what will happen if you order Krypton smartphones from this website? If you try to order Krypton smartphones from this website, you will find very well customised interface as you see in Amazon or Flipkart or any other well known shopping websites. The owner of this fake website has customised it's interface very well to attract people and to have trust in his website. There will be all the procedure like other trusted website such as your information requirements, address etc. But no message will be send to remind you if you have kept some smartphones in your cart. 
When you fill your details, such as address in some known shopping website , you get some slide down list that helps you to fill your details. But you will not get any kind of slide down list in ezeephone.com and if you fill up wrong details then you will still be shown up that the procedure has been completed. At last, as all other websites do this fake website also asks for your payment method and also your bank account details which can be very risky to give because you may not only lose your buying amount but also be frauded by your bank account too. So, it's recommended to stay away from these fake websites as you can be cheated very badly.
Krypton smartphones 2020

Proof of ezeephone being fake: 

For an ordinary person who has very less knowledge about online shopping can easily be cheated by this website as it looks official from it's first interface. But you can easily find this website fake because there is no details of the owner of this website as any website has the details of his website. The other proof is that it is a very newly segistered website which has a domain period of 1 years ( from April 2020 to April 2021 ). All the websites that are well known in market have domain period of minimum 5 years because  they have to stay in the market but ezeephones.com has no such plans. The domain of this website was taken from GoDaddy with registered name of NAMECHEAP INC in 5th April 2020. The registered location of this domain is Panama, USA. And the same kind of website named phoneskart.in was created by someone similar to the theme of website ezeephone.com. But phoneskart.com was deleted due to reports by the people . Just after that deletion ezeephones website was formed.
Ezeephone is fake website | Krypton smartphone 2020

Similar website like ezeephones.com

There was also a website named as phoneskart.in which is now deleted because this website was also a fraud website. And the themes of this website was similar to ezeephones.com website. The phoneskart.in website was deleted because it was reported by many people, telling that this website is totally fraud and they have made this site for only cheating people.


Hope you guys liked this artile based on one of the most serious problem related to online marketing. You can also share this posts to your relatives and friends to avoid them from these kind online frauds.
It is suggested to get proper infornation about using any new kind of website that you don't know. These kind of fake websites do not appears for long time. And if you want to stop these websites and and want to show anger agaist it, you can also report these kind of websites to stop them from further spreading. Only your action and curiosity can stop these online frauds. At last I would like to say, keep away from these websites and also inform your known persons about it.