Top 10 most useless guns in PUBG Mobile : 

Players Unknown Battleground  (PUBG)  Mobile is a well flourished online video game in today's time. It is a survival game in which you have to survive till last by killing other players to win the matches. When you enter in the matcj, you will be dropped into an island via an aeroplane and thereafter your survival starts. You have to loot guns and other materials to survive in the match.

 The most important thing to win the match is having good guns because you have kill at least one last player to win the match( except when there are chances of heal battle or the last player die outside the play zone or if last player exit the game etc. ).
Top 10 useless gun in pubg mobile
Useless guns in Pubg 

There are more chances to win the match if you have good guns with you such as drop guns or high damage guns. But there are also some guns in PUBG Mobile that are useless because of their very low damage and many other disadvantages. In this article we will talk about all those guns that are useless and players don't want to use them till the last circle. 

This list is on the basis of disadvantages and less pick up of the guns be the players. Many of the players may use these guns as everyone has their own choice according to how the find it better. We will list up here 10 most useless guns in PUBG Mobile. 

Also read this:

Top 10 most useless guns in PUBG Mobile: 

10.M16A4 : 

This gun has also very high damage and little high recoil as compared to some other guns. In this gun there are two firing modes, single and burst. In burst mode three bullets will release with each tap. M16A4 uses amo of 5.56mm. The disadvantage of this gun is that you can't give continuous spray with it. This gun is preferred good in competitive matches but in classic matches, players do not like to keep this gun. It works sometimes as a substitute gun for M416 for players and therefore they may keep it with them. 
Top 10 useless gun in pubg mobile

M16A4 require three attachments that are stock, Magazine and Muzzle. The other disadvantage of this gun is it's high vertical recoil when used for long range. We have to use it in single mode which is also good but has low damage than burst mode. But this gun can be used till last in PUBG Mobile to some extent.

9. MK-47 Mutant : 

 Being a very high damage gun, it has many disadvantages too. First of all, it is not an automatic gun. You will be provided with two firing modes in this gun, single mode and burst mode in which two bullets will release with each taps. Players who play with only two fingers, find it very difficult to use this gun. Second most disadvantage of this gun is it's awkward recoil. Every gun in PUBG Mobile is given with some recoil in it,  may be high in some guns and quiet low in some other guns. But Mutant MK-47 has a different kind of recoil which make it very less accurate even for good players.

Players Unknown Battleground

 The reason for it's high recoil is the added back and forth recoil with the other normal recoil in it. Another disadvantage of this gun is it's attachments . Mutant MK-47 requires four attachment with it namely, Stock, Magazine, Grip and Muzzle. In other words we can say that it need all the attachment of M416. And sometimes it is difficult to find all the proper attachments for this gun. 

8. S686 : 

This is also a shotgun which use amo of 12-gauge. Shotguns are made mainly for close range fights as it has negligible damage in long range. If has very high damage than Shawed Off in close and somewhat in mid range fights. But the major demerit of this gun is that you can only take one shot and after that it requires a quick reloading . 

Players Unknown Battleground

It has also very less damage than S686 and bullet spread is also high than it. But it is found very good to rush against tpp specially in houses if your accuracy is good enough. There are two attachments required for S1897 namely duckbill and bullet loop. Duckbill reduces the bullet spread whereas bullet loop make the reloading little faster. 

7. UMP 45 : 

The full form of UMP 45 is Universal Machine pistol and it is a Sub-Machine Gun (SMG). This gun was newly added with a replacement of UMP 9 which was quite better than this gun. UMP45 uses the amo of 45 Acp and is little good for close as well as mid range. Using this gun for long range may be a condition or simply a stupidity because the bullet speed of this gun is so less that it becomes very tough to determine the trajectory of the bullet. 

The sound of this gun is not audible from long range when suppressed but this doesn't help the players much because the damage is also very less in long range due to less bullet speed. UMP45 is easily found in houses and proves helpful many a time while rushing to enemies when they have nothing or the player is weaker than you. Another demerit of this gun is that you will have only 25 bullets loaded in it without extended mag. This gun is also usable for close range till last zone if you have a good secondary gun. But it is the fact that many beginner players love to use these guns because of it's low recoil but as they spend time in PUBG Mobile they also avoid using these guns till last circle. 

Players Unknown Battleground

6. Win 94 : 

Winchester 94 is sniper rifle found only in Miramar map of PUBG Mobile. Before season 12 it was the most useless gun among all the guns in PUBG Mobile. But after season 12 update, when PUBG Mobile fixed a scope in it, players start trying it. It has capacity of 7 bullets of 45 ACP in it. Winchester 94 works totally on the basis of all other bolt action sniper rifle but it has very less damage than those rifles.

 You need to hit at least two headshot to get a knock even when the opponent is wearing a level 2 helmet. It is better to use a DMR gun such as Mini 14 , SKS or SLR because you will get more bullets and continuous shoots with them. Also the damage of SKS and SLR is greater than Winchester 94.

 There is one more thing that make it improper to use which is low zooming of the attached scope with it. It is added in PUBG Mobile because it was a well known sniper rifle in real life in earlier times. But many sniper lovers still use it when they didn't get any sniper and also proves good sometimes when opponent doesn't have any sniper.

Players Unknown Battleground

5. PP-19 Bizon : 

If you are a PUBG Mobile player then you would have definitely used this gun and would immediately started hating this gun. It uses 9 mm amo and has high magazine capacity. It can reload 51 amo in a single magazine . 

But this gun has a disadvantage that the bullet damage of this gun is very low and the bullet speed is also very less. You will be able to give a longer spray using this gun but you have to connect a lot of bullet to get a knock. It's recoil is also very less which reduces the aim assist of this gun and make it less accurate. 

Players Unknown Battleground

The other demerit of this gun is that it has no attachment in it except the Muzzle. But the fact is that the Muzzle only reduces the gun sound and don't have any effect on stability and accuracy of the gun. While using this gun you have to connect shots properly to the opponent for having a comparitively quick knock. Due to all these reasons, PUBG Mobile players do not use this gun till the end zone. 

4. P1311 : 

In the top 3 worst gun in PUBG Mobile, we have kept a pistol in 3rd position . P1311 is a handgun that uses amo of 45 Acp. The damage of this pistol  is very low and also it has a bullet capacity of only 7 bullets. Another gun named Desert Eagle has also only 7 bullets loaded in it but the damage of this pistol is highest among all the pistols in PUBG Mobile. 

Talking  of P1311, there is not much increase in number of bullets even after using extended Magazine. It can give a appreciable damage after connecting a head and can easily get a knock. The two reasons only, less magazine size and lower bullet damage make this gun avoidable by players in PUBG Mobile. 

3.  Sawed-off : 

 In PUBG Mobile Sawed Off is used as a handgun which use 12-gauge as amo. It is one of the most ignored gun by the players in PUBG Mobile. Many of the players would even be not knowing of this gun. Shawed Off is found only in Miramar and Sanhok map. It is totally useless for mid and long range fights but may appear little useful for very close range fights. The reason behind this is it's very high bullet spread. 

Top 10 useless gun in pubg mobile

Since it uses gauge, when it is fired, it's bullets break in peaces as happens to every shotgun. But the bullet break in shawed off gun is so high that it even couldn't travel a few meters. Other demerit of this gun is that you can only take two shots and after that you have to reload the gun.
But if you are accurate you can get a easy knock with this gun in close range. It can give a lot of damage when connected properly (such as getting a headshot ) in close range. 

2. Crossbow : 

Yes it is that crossbow is not a gun but as it can be shooted, it is kept in this list. Crossbow is the only gun in PUBG Mobile that has no firing  mark in mini map. It is also the only weapon that do not produces any sound. But these all things do not help anyhow to knock the enemies. Crossbow can easily penetrate the level 3 helmet with full accuracy. But hitting the head with crossbow becomes almost impossible in long range because the speed of crossbow is very less and it start dropping down after traveling some distance. 
Top 10 useless gun in pubg mobile

But when talking of close range you can get a headshot easily to knock the enemy. But there is also a demerit in close range that if anyhow you miss the shot you would not be able to get that chance again because the reloading time of crossbow is very high. Another thing is that very few people would like to use crossbow in close range if he has a proper AR. Crossbow take the place of one gun of your character in PUBG Mobile due to which it becomes difficult to handle close as well as long range fights. 

1. R45: 

If you are thinking that you haven't listened this gun name before even if you are a regular PUBG Mobile player then you must check first. The actual name of this gun is Rhino DS60 and it is a pistol which uses amo of 45 Acp. This gun is only found in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile and is rarely used by the players, therefore it is very less known among the players. There are many disadvantages of this pistol too. 

R45 can only load 5 bullets in it which is lowest among all the pistols. The damage of this pistol is good but is still less than Desert Eagle. The other demerit if this gun is that you cannot fire quickly with this gun because there is a hault after firing one shot. So using this pistol in pistol place is in your own risk if you use pistols also as substitute or switching gun during fights. But the good thing of this gun is that it has a appreciable damage to get a easy knock.


In this article we tell you about the top 10 useless guns in PUBG Mobile. So that was all in this list and hope you liked it. There are some guns in this list that requires high skill and tactics to use them but not everyone has that skill and tactics, therefore they simply avoid using them . And that's why these guns are in this list. This list is made after a lot of search and knowledge about the guns in PUBG Mobile. Make sure to show some response if you get some knowledge about the topic and stay connected to get more information about PUBG Mobile.