Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive Players in India 2020 : 

Hey guys, what's up! Welcome here to our beautiful site, " Informing world". We are always here to give you some extra information about our 'world'.We are very grateful that we exist in this world and enjoy its beauty but sometimes we have to face it's anger also. So let's begin with the topic for which you are here.

    As PUBG Mobile has gained too much popularity, it's officials had also decided to take this to a competitive level. Many players have shown their talent and have risen up through this game only. Earlier when PUBG Mobile was taken to a competitive level, there was very little competition, and rising up in that situation was a little bit easier. 

But the situation in current times is all different, there is a lot of competition among all the teams and players. Those players who have gained popularity in these hard competitions are real one to be applauded. But there are also some players who have proved themselves and still proving that he is the best. 

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India: It is very difficult to decide which player is best and what kind of place should be given to him. But it is not that simple as each player has his own skills and tactics. Some players are good in close range fights and some are good at sniping, some players have played high strategic and high IQ games in PUBG Mobile while some believe in rush gameplay.

     The only way to decide which player is better than the other is to look at their previous performances as well as their present performance. On this basis here are the top 5 Ranked players in PUBG Mobile in India. 

Top 5 PUBG Mobile competitive Players in India 2020 :

   5 : TsmEntity GHATAK : 

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India: When we talk of IGL of a team, Ghatak would be the first name of the list. Ghatak is the couch of Team TsmEntity and plays the role of IGL in the game. 

His real name is Abhijit Harischandra Andhre and his nationality is Indian. He is a married 28 years old PUBG Mobile player who is trying to represent India in e-sports.

Top 5 Ranked PUBG Mobile Competitive Players in India 2020
PC : Instagram 

      Ghatak is known as the best IGL of all the teams. He has led his teammates in many matches and has made his teammates to won many matches. He came in the talk when his leadership and decisions take his team to 2nd position in PUBG Mobile Pro - League spring split 2020. 

This was a very honorable moment for him and his teammates because it didn't seem possible at the beginning to hold 2nd position. His experience makes him to Conqueror all other players in PUBG Mobile e-sports. 

4 : TsmEntity ClutchGod : 

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India: ClutchGod is another member of TsmEntity. He is well known for his assaulting capabilities and extraordinary clutches. He came in the talk when his team came in 2nd position in PUBG Mobile club open- spring split. 

His real name is Vivek Abbas Horo and he is also an Indian. He also plays the role of in-game leadership in some matches and has also proved himself good in it.

PC : Instagram 

     ClutchGod has changed many teams but he didn't find himself fit in any of the team as they didn't support him. But he has given his best in every team. Right now he is in TsmEntity and he seems to fit in this team. 

The owner of TsmEntity has also asked ClutchGod to become the IGL of the team during matches but there is no confirmation till now. There are a lot of victories made by ClutchGod in competitive PUBG Mobile ignoring the team in which he was. He has done many clutches and is one of the best Fragger ever known in PUBG Mobile.

3 : Soul Mortal :

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India: One of the well-known names is Mortal in the field of competitive PUBG Mobile. He earlier used to play different games to carry on his YouTube channel Mortal even before the PUBG Mobile came in play store. 

He is counted among the best assaulter of PUBG Mobile. His real name is Naman Mathur and he lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Besides a good PUBG Mobile player, he is a well-known YouTuber too with more than 5 million subscribers. 

Top 5 Ranked PUBG Mobile Competitive Players in India 2020
PC : Instagram 

     He is one of the most experienced PUBG Mobile players in India. There are a lot of memorable moments for mortal and his fans but what made him much famous in India was his high IQ granade done in PMCO. 

This granade made the team Soul win that PMCO. At the time there weren't many clans famous in PUBG Mobile .what everyone knew was team Soul led be mortal. Later on, many other PUBG Mobile player entered team soul such as ReGaLtOs, Sanghwan, Owais, etc.

    When we talk of the fanbase of all the PUBG Mobile players in India, Mortal would definitely rank number 1 on the list. Many times there are up and downs with Mortal and his team Soul but his fans and supporters has never let his confidence down. 

And right now team Soul is still considered one of the most dangerous teams in PUBG Mobile. Nowadays, Mortal is sometimes using his name as Mortal 2.0 because it was the misprint in a gift send to Mortal by PUBG Mobile officials. But this name is not confirmed by Mortal.

 2 : Fnatic ScoutOP : 

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India: ScoutOP is a big name in the field of PUBG Mobile e-sports and plays the role of In-game Leader (IGL) in Team Fanatic. He has become the ideal for many players as his techniques and skills of playing PUBG Mobile is really appreciable. 

His real name is Tanmay Sinha and he lives in Gujarat, India. He is among those PUBG Mobile Players who have gained too much popularity in very little time only by his dedication to win maximum matches. 

     Currently, he is leading Team Fanatic and has won many competitive matches in his leadership. Many a time people have raised fingers in his playing tactics but every time he has shut their mouth by proving himself. When we talk of team Fnatic, it is not a small name, it's like a company that is also involved in many other games such as FIFA and many more. 

Top 5 Ranked PUBG Mobile Competitive Players in India 2020
PC: Instagram 

   ScoutOP has also changed many teams where he found himself fit. Earlier he has been a part of Team RAW, GODLIKE, and IND.  He played very well in all the teams and left these teams by his own choice. Currently, ScoutOP has crossed 1 Million subscribers on YouTube and increasing of very fast. In recent days, it was in a talk that ScoutOP is also wanting to join Entity Clan but this was not confirmed by ScoutOP. So he is in Fnatic only right now. 

1 : TsmEntity JONATHAN : 

Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India:  Currently, Jonathan is considered as the most dangerous player for any squad. His real name is Jonathan Jude Amaral and he lives in Mumbai. You can imagine his value in PUBG Mobile as he the MVP in  PUBG Mobile Club Open 2019.

 Jonathan is considered the best close range assaulter and is also good in mid-range fights. He is a 19 years old boy whose earning is approximately 1 Lac per month. There are many records to Jonathan in PUBG Mobile, whether it is competitive or normal gameplays. 

Top 5 Ranked PUBG Mobile Competitive Players in India 2020
PC : Instagram 

   Jonathan is a thump player as he uses his thumb in close range fights instead of a claw. After watching his accuracy many other players have also copied him and started trying thumb for close range. He is a full gyroscopic player and also gives Lazer spray in long-range fights too. He has a very high sensitivity setting. 
He has started his YouTube channel too, where he is very close to 800k subscribers. He does daily Livestream at night and has also uploaded some videos related to his sensitivity and movement drills. He also became famous for his jiggle movement in close range. His jiggle movement became a fever in PUBG Mobile users and everyone tried to copy his movements. 


This list is on the basis of the popularity of well known Top 5 PUBG Mobile Competitive players in India:
This list is not on the basis of playing the ability of these players and it also doesn't mean that these players are not good in playing. Most of the players on this list have become famous through their tactical playing of PUBG Mobile. By the way, my own favorite player is Mortal and I would like to know yours also. So please show some response, if this article would be proved helpful to you in some way.