The physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like diabetes, cancer etc. Physical activities and exercise can have immediate and long-term heath benefits. One of the most important thing, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

Being Physically active means:

1. To have more vitality.

2. Body shape is better 

3. To have better mental heath

4. Can handle stress better

5. Calm your mood

6. Sleep well  

7. Increased body energy

8. Strong muscles and bones

9. Better flexibility

10. Low problems related to heath such as blood pressure, heart stroke, etc.

What are the benefit of being healthy ?

Living a healthy lifestyle can be challenge when you are facing by processed foods, lack of gym or exercise, going with friends and eating fast food and drink alcohol and many other things. There are many benefits to improve the way in which you live so you can have a healthy and strong life.

The American Diabetes Association says that, regular activities can improves blood glucose managements, and allowing your body to become more and more sensitive to the insulin you take.
In some other cases with a balance diet & exercise, some individual have been able to completely remove himself from their daily regimen of taking pills to function their bodies insulin. 

What are the benefits of eating healthy food;

There are many kinds of food that fulfills the different requirements of our body such as protien, vitamins, rouphage etc.

In this article, we will see  the top 05 benefits of a healthy diet, and also the reason behind them.

1. Lower cancer risk

An unhealthy diet can reason out to a fatty body, that may be a major cause for many health problem including cancer.
In 2014, the society america of clinical oncology said that obesity contributed to a dull outlook for people with excess fatness.

Therefore it is better to avoid the eating of junk food and other oily food to avoid the risk of  fatness. Beside these things one can also reduce the chances of cancer by eating healthy food such as green vegetables and fruits.American oncologists have also confirmed that fruits and vegetables reduces the chances of cancer.

2. Diabetes management

Diabetes can also be reduced only by having a good and healthy diet,

  required weight lose

  glucose level management in our body

  reduce the problems related to diabetes.

It is also recommended to use less amount of sugar in daily food items and should also avoid the eating of oily food especially that increase the trans fat.

3.The health of next generation

As we all know that Children learned most health-related behaviors from the adults around them, and parents who give healthy food and exercise habits tend to pass these on.

Eating at home may also help children for good health. In the year of 2018, the researcher found that children who regularly had meals with their families ate more vegetables and less sugary foods than their the others who ate at home less frequently.

4. Strong bones and teeth

A diet with sufficient calcium and magnesium is very much important for strong bones and teeth. Keeping the bones healthy and strong  is vital in preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in life.

5. Better mood

When you eat healthy food then you feel always better. Your days will be awesome and you feel always energetic.
One should always  be with a close relationship between diet and mood.
In 2016, researcher found that a diet with a low calories food may cause increased symptoms of depression.
A diet with a high glycemic load include many refined carbohydrates, such as those found in soft drinks, cakes, bread and biscuits chocolate etc. If you really want good health then you should avoid such types of junk food.